Latest Past Events

StarsNeverSleep at The Stables

Stables Tupelo 206 North Spring St. Ste. 3, Tupelo

Returning again in full force will be Smash Addams and Lucy Dawn as they play a new set of covers and originals to delight the ears!

PIF 28th Annual Homecoming

Hillcrest Baptist Church 216 State Highway 15 S, New Albany

Details coming soon at!

2019 Back-2-School Bash Extravaganza

Tupelo Parks and Recreation 655 Rutherford Rd, Tupelo

Mark your calendars....Our intern Raffiel Jones is planning a fun Back to School Event! Great way to end the summer! Veterans Park Saturday August 3rd at 2 Pm until 5 Pm. Enjoy the splash pad, inflatible water slide, inflatible slip & slide, give-aways for the kids, free snow cones, games, music, and more details to […]