Latest Past Events
Kids Bowl Free Summer Program
Event Zona 790 Moncrief Drive, TupeloKIDS BOWL FREE SUMMER PROGRAM: Register your kids 12yrs & under for 2 free games of bowling all summer long. Take advantage of Family pass for 13yrs & older. Registration will open Saturday May 11th, 2019. Please refer to all the information regarding family pass as no refunds will be issued after registration submission.
Karate Summer Camp
Two Dragons Martial Arts After School Program 601/603 President St, Tupelo4 Week Long..ALL Day Long SUMMER CAMP. No previous Karate Training Necessary. Enrolling NOW. Limited to the First 50 Kids. Single Weeks are $150 ALL 4 weeks is Only $450. Ages 5-13. Registration closes June 13. ONLY 11 SPOTS LEFT
Spencer Thomas with Anne Freeman & The Garbage Sons at Proud Larry’s
Proud Larry's 201 South Lamar, OxfordProud Larry's Presents... Spencer Thomas album release show with special guest Anne Freeman & The Garbage Sons Jackson, Mississippi native Spencer Thomas is an anthemic balladeer with melodies and lyrics that don't only pull at the heart strings but pound like a blood pumping drum. Following the line of influences like Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, […]