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Jimmy Edwards of Grenada is running for the United States Senate seat this year.
Edwards, the Libertarian candidate, is challenging Republican incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith and Democrat Mike Espy.
Edwards, 56, says he is an independent contractor and is a former teacher and customer service agent.
This is his first bid for elected office.
We asked all of the U.S. Senate candidates to share their stances on several issues. Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith chose not to respond. You can view Democrat Mike Espy’s answers here.
Here’s what Libertarian Jimmy Edwards said:
What role should Congress play in coronavirus response?
Jimmy Edwards: They should encourage local cities and counties to determine the level of protection their residents should take. Each state, city, and county/parish has different levels of coronavirus cases, This is where decisions need to be made.
Should safeguards be put in place to limit national debt?
Jimmy Edwards: The best way to limit the national debt is to reduce spending as much as possible and to find innovative ways to raise additional revenue.
Should a president have broad power to declare war or send troops to battle without congressional approval?
Jimmy Edwards: The three branches of government need to apply the War Powers Act as originally written. Furthermore, endless undeclared wars/military actions need to stop immediately. Therefore, my answer is no.
What are your healthcare priorities?
Jimmy Edwards: Completely repeal Obamacare, allow states to control healthcare exchanges, provide Medicaid to those who need it worst, allow options for those eligible for Medicare B to find more economical plans, encourage new graduates of professional medical degrees to serve in the Reserves/National Guard while providing healthcare to those in communities who need it the most.
What are your public education priorities?
Jimmy Edwards: Phase out the Department of Education within 10 years of taking office, designate funding in that period for career education and remedial instruction in language arts & mathematics, tax credits for families who choose non-public education for their children in grades K-12, allow exemptions for Selective Service registration for high-achieving high school graduates.
What is your take on the current debate over funding of police?
Jimmy Edwards: If cities are allowed to defund their police departments, this will set a dangerous precedent for law enforcement at the county/parish and state levels. The “well armed militia” mentioned in the 2nd Amendment needs to be applied to civilian law enforcement as well as our armed forces.
Do you believe criminal justice reform is needed? If so, what reforms would you support?
Jimmy Edwards: Any reform needs to be carried out at the state, county/parish, and city levels. This is a 10th Amendment issue that needs to be handled at these levels.
The Mississippi Legislature recently voted to remove the state flag with its confederate emblem as opposed to putting that decision before voters. Do you agree or disagree with this and why?
Jimmy Edwards: This is an area where our Governor has acted unilaterally without consulting with his legislative branch. Whether you want to consider this action, as well as other decisions he has made in recent months, as an “Executive Order” or not, he has acted without considering legislation passed almost 20 years ago.
As a Mississippian, do you think the old state flag should be placed on the ballot for a vote of the people?
Jimmy Edwards: Yes.
What do you think of the removal of confederate monuments across the South and nation?
Jimmy Edwards: These actions have been a knee-jerk reaction based on groups that will not forgive earlier generations of Americans for events which happened hundreds of years ago.
Please express your thoughts on any issues we didn’t mention.
Jimmy Edwards: I want to reform Social Security by not penalizing beneficiaries who want to claim benefits before full retirement age and continue gainful employment, allowing those who have not claimed benefits to set up to 50% of their current contributions to a private retirement plan, and raising the full retirement age to 70 for those born in 1990 or later. I want to repeal the income tax in favor of a value-added tax based on mean percentages of federal tax deductions on a state-by-state basis. I wish to enact term limits for House and Senate members while reducing the number of House members from 435 to 399. I am for encouraging registered voters to utilize Article 5 of the Constitution to bring about change unable to be brought by those on Capitol Hill. I support streamlining our military forces abroad by ending infinite occupations of other nations and using forwarding operating bases in Alaska, Hawaii, Germany, and South Korea. Finally I will urge consolidation of the Departments of Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs into the Department of Defense.
The post Jimmy Edwards Bio appeared first on Mississippi Today.
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