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Faces of Tupelo: Matt Laubhan

Matt Laubhan is from central Kansas. He never thought he would be living in Tupelo, MS, but as he said, “Sometimes God intervenes.” He and his wife Emily both work in the news and were able to move together to the same station.

Matt loves that they were able to move to a safe and vibrant town such as Tupelo, MS. He says that is a rarity in the TV business, but says he has really enjoyed raising his family here.

Ironically, even though he grew up in Kansas, he said he was scared of tornados. (I mean, they had the most famous tornado from the Wizard of Oz!) But luckily, what started as fear turned into curiosity and respect.

He loves that his job allows him to save people lives by keeping them up to date with the weather and upcoming storms. He very much understands that people can’t always predict the weather; that is up to science and God. But the science part allows him to predict the weather in ways that we previously weren’t able to.

He has also learned throughout this job that humility is important. “About the time you think you’ve got it all figured out, God sends a curveball, reminding you how little you really do know.”

The reason for this photo location is that this was part of the path of 2014 tornado. Matt had an amazing part in that story of keeping the city informed of the tornado’s path. I will let him tell that story because it was quite remarkable:

“We moved here in April 2011. My first day on air was April 14, 2011. On April 27, 2011, less than 2 weeks later, the largest tornado outbreak in US history occurred, including an E-F5 tornado in Smithville, an E-F5 tornado in Philadelphia, and an E-F5 tornado in Hackleburg/Phil Campbell, Alabama. There is no question in my mind that outbreak was the reason why God picked us up and moved us here. Because of the absolutely massive nature of the 2011 outbreak, people often lump the Tupelo tornado in with the outbreak.

The Tupelo E-F3 tornado occurred on April 28, 2014, three years and one day later. Both outbreaks were obvious a week before and myself and our meteorologists were screaming from the rafters that bad tornadoes were possible.

When the tornado hit, some of the tornado sirens did not sound. It was clearly visible from our tower cam, and we did street by street coverage of it as it moved through the city. It cut off power throughout town including at the TV station and severed our downstream internet connection for hours, leaving us blind for an hour. It knocked out DIRECTV, Dish, and cable, yet thankfully we continued to broadcast from our over the air transmitter, and folks could watch us online because of our amazing support staff.

No one died in the Tupelo tornado, although one woman did hydroplane during the storm. It has taken parts in the city years to recover. Unfortunately others died in tornadoes that occurred in Winston County later that day.

It was not the largest or strongest tornado in Tupelo history — those descriptions go to the 1936 tornado, which is one of the deadliest on record — but the lack of fatalities was truly God’s grace, and a testament to the people of Tupelo taking the warnings seriously.”

I will leave you with this last piece of advice from Matt : “If you ask the Lord and he is willing, only you can kill your dream before it begins. People can tell you that you can’t do it, and people can shame you for it, but it’s your dream, and no one will live it and make it fly like you can.”

33: Episode 33: Onion & Florida Man

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Faces of Tupelo: Don Knight

I met Don Knight this afternoon, the owner of Johnnies Drive-Inn. Johnnies is the oldest restaurant in town at 75 years old. Everyone knows it was one of Elvis’ favorite spots. There is even an Elvis booth. And yes they serve the peanut butter and banana sandwich.

Mr. Knight has been in the restaurant business since he was 16. He started working for his mom and dad. He learned a valuable lesson then from his friend Bill Elmore. Mr. Elmore said that it is always a 1 on 1 relationship and that you should always thank the customers to show that you appreciate them. Mr. Knight will ask you to call his hand if he doesn’t tell you thank you.

Mr. Knight loves that he gets to meet new people everyday. He will say its a very demanding business but good food and service are top key. He believes one of the main reasons they are still here is that they never forget to cater to their customer. The customer should always be first. He knows all his regulars by name and by car. He also makes sure that he never serves anything he wouldn’t eat himself.

The biggest thing he has learned from this job is that everyday is a new day. If you got mad yesterday, just forget it and start the day fresh.

He has had a lot of Elvis fans come by to see the restaurant and the booth. A lady asked him one time if they collect names of all their visitors. That’s the day they started. Anyone that stops by can sign it or write a little story. He now has 16 full books and has had visitors from all countries. He has even had a few celebrities come by like Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top and Ronnie McDowell.

Gov. Tate Reeves plans to replace Republican Chairman Lucien Smith

Lucien Smith, chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party, speaks at a state GOP election night victory party, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019, in Jackson, Miss. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

Gov. Tate Reeves, as de facto head of the Mississippi GOP, plans to replace Lucien Smith as chairman of the state party, numerous Republican sources said.

The change is not because of any major political dispute, most of those sources say, and Smith has appeared to be widely respected among party leaders. It’s partly because Smith is an attorney at a major law firm that does millions of dollars in business with the state and Reeves believes that is untoward and wants a chairman with no such entanglements.

Reeves and Smith did appear to be politically crosswise recently over the Legislature changing the state flag, with its divisive Confederate battle emblem. Although the party proper didn’t take a position, Smith told Mississippi Today, “Now is the time … for Mississippi to retire its current flag and adopt a flag that unifies all Mississippians.”

Reeves, at the time, had opposed the Legislature making the change, saying that decision should be made by popular vote.

The leadership change is not likely to happen at Saturday’s state GOP convention, which is being held online because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Republicans are expected to elect a 52-member executive committee, a national committeewoman and committeeman and the party’s six electors on Saturday.

A change in the state GOP chairmanship is more likely to come after the Republican National Convention that starts Aug. 24.

“I know the governor and chairman have had conversations about a change of leadership of the party,” said Reeves’ chief of staff Brad White, himself a former MSGOP chairman. “But there’s no sense of urgency and any discussion of who (a new chairman) might be is purely speculation at this point.”

White had little further comment on the issue, other than to say, “I think Lucien has been a fine chairman, and having been in that role I know how challenging it can be … He has served honorably.”

It’s typical for a sitting Republican governor, as head of the state party, to pick a new chairman. While the executive committee technically elects a GOP chairman, a governor’s choice is typically installed by acclamation. There has been no major executive committee challenge to a Republican governor’s chairman nomination in recent history.

Some party leaders said the fact that Reeves didn’t more promptly replace Smith is an indication that there’s no major conflict between the two — contrary to any rumors.

Former Gov. Phil Bryant, for instance, made it one of his first orders of business when inaugurated in 2012 to accept the resignation of then-Chairman Arnie Hederman and successfully push the nomination of Joe Nosef.

Bryant nominated Smith as the 12th chairman of the MSGOP in 2017 after Nosef abruptly resigned.

Smith, an attorney with Balch and Bingham law firm, previously served as chief of staff to Bryant and as counsel and budget adviser to former Gov. Haley Barbour. Smith ran unsuccessfully for state treasurer in 2011.

Smith was at the helm of the party during one of its most politically prosperous times. In last year’s elections, Republicans took all eight statewide elected seats including the the governor’s office, most districtwide seats and increased their supermajority control over the Legislature.

Smith declined a request for comment, but a party spokeswoman sent a statement on Friday.

“Mississippi Republicans have enjoyed unprecedented success in recent years, and Gov. Reeves and Chairman Smith have worked together closely to build and deliver that success,” said MSGOP spokeswoman Nicole Webb. “Likewise, they have worked jointly to develop a slate of candidates to be considered for the MSGOP executive committee. The slate will be presented to delegates at (Saturday’s) state convention ….”

While several names are floating around as possible replacements for Smith, GOP sources said they hadn’t heard a definitive short list, and noted Reeves is known to keep such deliberation and decisions close to the vest.

The state Democratic Party in recent weeks saw a contentious battle for its chairmanship that resulted in the resignation of incumbent chairman Bobby Moak and the election of former Judge Tyree Irving as new chairman.

The post Gov. Tate Reeves plans to replace Republican Chairman Lucien Smith appeared first on Mississippi Today.

Faces of Tupelo: Bart Acquirre

I met with Police Chief Bart Acquirre today. Chief Acquirre is from Wichita, KS. His father was a steak salesman and they moved here when he was in the 6th grade.

Chief Acquirre has always been a gun collector and interested in guns so he went to be a firearms expert and study forensics. He got his masters in Science at the University of Alabama and then went to the training academy.

He started as a reserve officer, moved to dispatch with Lee County, and then was hired as a Lee Co Sheriff. He has also worked in the medical, legal, death investigation branch.

His most interesting case was being called to house where a dog dug up human remains in the front yard.

Chief Acquirre says that law enforcement has to be like a ministry. God has to lead you to it because you are there to serve your fellow man. You have to love what you do.

He says that God has been working in his life for 36 years through law enforcement. It gives him pleasure that he can serve Him and the people through this job.

Being in law enforcement has taught Chief Acquirre many things such as: patience, humility, and open mindedness.

An interesting fact about the Tupelo police department is that their building came from an undercover investigation. They worked with the FBI for 5 years to investigate cigarettes being distributed out of this building. At the end of it all, they seized airplanes, cars, bank accounts, corporate accounts. The investigation covered 26 states and over 50-60 defendants. The FBI shared some of the funds with Tupelo Police Dept to help with the building fund. The city gave the rest. And it is a really cool building.

The Latest Executive Order RE: Face masks and COVID Precautions July 31, 2020

Here is an easy, searchable copy of the text from Tupelo Mayor Jason Shelton’s Executive order 20-019

The following Local Executive Order further amends and supplements all previous Local Executive Orders and its Emergency Proclamation and Resolution adopted by the City of Tupelo, Mississippi, pertaining to COVID-19. All provisions of previous local orders and proclamations shall remain in full force and effect. 


Governor Tate Reeves in his Executive Order No. 1492 instituted a statewide Safe Return order to restart the economy, open all businesses and non-profits operating within Mississippi, and permit the resumption of community activities subject to limitations to minimize person to person interactions and associated risk of transmission of COVID-19. 

Governor Reeves further amended Executive Order 1492 by Executive Orders, 1496, 1500, 1505, 1508, 1511, and 1514 which remain in full force and effect until 8:00 a.m. on Monday, August 17, 2020. 

In response to Lee County reporting higher numbers of new cases over shorter periods of time accounting for a larger percentage of the State’s overall case count, having a higher percent incidence of positive cases per number of test performed, evidence of shared workforce between jurisdiction with common risk factors, and other public health indicators reflecting ongoing community transmission, the Governor established additional measures necessary to disrupt the spread of COVID-19 with Lee County. 

These measures include: 

All businesses and business operations: 

Employees must be screened at the beginning of their shift requiring at a minimum these questions to be asked: 1. Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 

days? 2. Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat? 3. Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours? 4. Have you had a new loss of taste or smell? 5. Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours? 

Any question answered affirmatively requires the employee to be sent home or for further medical evaluation. 

Congruent with the City of Tupelo Mayor’s Executive Order 20-018, face coverings are required for all employees who are unable to maintain a minimum of 6 feet of separation from customers and other employees. 

Expanding the City of Tupelo Mayor’s Executive Order 20-018, all customers shall wear a face covering, covering nose and mouth, while inside businesses and business operations subject to specific exceptions. 

Expanding the exceptions in 20-018: 

• Persons seeking to communicate with someone who is hearing-impaired in 

a way that requires the mouth to be visible. Persons while giving a speech, presentation, or performance for a broadcast or to an audience. Person actively providing or obtaining access to religious worship (NOTE wearing a face covering is strongly encouraging) . Children under the age of (6). 

The sale of alcohol in bars is limited to only seated patrons. Restaurants and bars shall not sell alcohol between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 

Restricting indoor social gatherings/activities to a maximum of 10 participants and a maximum of 20 participants outdoor. This restriction shall not apply to religious entities, students in classrooms, or gatherings in facilities governed by other capacity limitations. 

Congruent with the City of Tupelo Mayor’s Executive Order 20-018, face coverings are required to be worn both indoors and outdoors in public. This does not apply to individuals engaged in organized school athletic practices, including weight training and outdoor practices, or other outdoor exercising

Additionally, the City of Tupelo Parks and Recreation Department will not be scheduling any games or tournaments until September 8, 2020, at any facility or field. This will allow for preparation for the coming fall season. 

Additional information can be found at www.tupeloms.gov COVID-19 information landing page. 

Pursuant to Miss. Code Anno. $33-15-17(d)(1972 as amended), this Local Executive Order shall be effective at 8:00 a.m. on August 3, 2020, and shall remain in full force and effect until 8:00 a.m. on August 17, 2020, under these terms until reviewed, approved or disapproved at the first regular meeting following such Local Executive Order or at a special meeting legally called for such a review. 

The City of Tupelo reserves its authority to respond to local conditions as necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. 

So ordered, this the 31st day of July, 2020. 

Weekend Forecast For North Mississippi

We are starting our Friday morning off in the upper 70s, under partly cloudy skies. Showers and thunderstorms will be possible this afternoon and evening. All of North Mississippi is in a Level 1 out of 5 severe weather risk. Heavy rain, lightning and damaging wind gusts will be possible with the stronger storms. We will have an afternoon high near 91 with heat index values as high as 105! Southwest wind 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

TONIGHT: Showers and thunderstorms will be likely. Otherwise, Mostly cloudy, with a low around 73. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

SATURDAY: Showers and thunderstorms likely. Otherwise, partly sunny skies, with a high near 85. South southwest wind 5 to 10 mph becoming west in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy, with a low around 66.

SUNDAY: Mostly sunny, with a high near 88. Calm wind becoming west northwest around 5 mph in the afternoon.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear, with a low around 66. Northwest wind around 5 mph becoming calm.

SEC’s announced 10-game, league-only schedule is simply a best case scenario

Ole Miss media relations

About the only thing certain about this college football season is that we won’t have crowds like this one in Mississippi.

So the news of the day is that the Southeastern Conference has decided to play a 10-game, conference games-only football schedule this fall. Opening day is scheduled for Sept. 26. The SEC Championship game is moved back two weeks to Dec. 19.

We’ll see…

This news comes a day after the Atlantic Coast Conference announced that league will play an 11-game season that will include 10 league games and one non-conference game. Furthermore, the ACC setup will include Notre Dame as an ACC football team for the 2020 season.

Rick Cleveland

So at least we finally have answer to the age-old college football question: What will it take for Notre Dame to join a conference in football? A global pandemic, that’s what. Hell did not have to freeze over.

Interestingly, the ACC decided on the 10 and 1 format to allow for traditional in-state rivalries such as Florida-Florida State, Kentucky-Louisville, South Carolina-Clemson and Georgia-Georgia Tech to be played. One day later, the SEC answered: No need, at least not on our account.

Early reports are that Kentucky and Tennessee will be added to the Ole Miss schedule and that Florida and Vanderbilt will be added to State’s schedule. Those reports have not been confirmed and very well could be premature.

What we all must understand is that all this is tentative. Nothing at all is certain. Right now, a 10-game schedule, all SEC games, is simply a best case scenario.

I say that because if you lay a map of the Southeastern Conference’s 11-state imprint over a map of the country’s region hardest hit by the pandemic, it’s almost a match. Florida leads the nation in per capita COVID-19 cases. Mississippi is No. 2, followed by Louisiana and Alabama. Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina are all in the top 10 – a top 10 in which nobody wants to be included.

Unless these numbers change drastically – and there’s no indication that they will – it’s difficult to see a 10-game season being started, much less completed. Repeat after me: There is no social distancing in football. None.

Major League Baseball’s return to play has shown us just how iffy this all is. We are just a week into the schedule several games have been postponed. Six teams’ schedules have been altered. One team has as many as 19 positive cases. And this is Week One.

And that’s baseball, not football. That’s professional, not amateur.

Now seems a good time for a reminder that Mississippi’s current statewide restrictions limit gatherings to 10 people indoors and 20 outdoors and call for social distancing of six feet of separation between persons who do not live in the same household. College football teams have 80 or more players. They are rarely six feet apart. Granted those are the guidelines until mid-August, but we have no good indication it will change. Our numbers have not been going in the right direction.

Let’s put it this way: Much must change between now and Sept. 26 for the SEC to have any hopes of playing that 10-game, league-only schedule. And so much still must be decided: Will fans be allowed? How many? Who gets in?

More than just SEC teams are affected by this. Southern Miss was scheduled to play at Auburn Sept. 26. That game, which would have paid Southern Miss $1.85 million, obviously won’t be played. And so an already strapped USM athletic budget takes a huge hit. These days, everybody is taking financial hits.

USM athletic director Jeremy McClain announced he will search for another game on that date. He was already searching for a game on Sept. 19 to replace Jackson State because the SWAC, to which Jackson State belongs, has postponed its football season until spring.

That SWAC plan, too, is a best-case scenario. Right now, until we have a vaccine, everything is tentative.

The post SEC’s announced 10-game, league-only schedule is simply a best case scenario appeared first on Mississippi Today.