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So, just to tell you a little bit about myself.. I have lived in and out of the Tupelo area my whole life. I love it. I cherish it. I don’t think I’ll ever leave the place permanently. Currently, I take online courses with ICC, I help run Tupelo Con (insert plug here), I have a sweet 12 year old daughter, a bomb diggity fiancé, I also work full time, and now I’ll be writing for you! I have a freakish obsession with Microsoft Excel, which aids in my love of organization and lists. This is why I give you the very self-indulgent Love it AND List it!

Like most people of the Internet, I love click-bait lists and countdowns. So, I figure I’m definitely important enough for other people to enjoy my lists of beloved goodies, right? Well, maybe not, but I’ll put them out there anyway. I like telling people to try things and how much they will like it. Doesn’t everyone love being hounded into trying something new? Well then, I’m your new best friend that thinks their taste and opinions matter most!

To start you off, I will give you a sampling of some random things that have made 2018 slightly better than 2017 for me.


StrangeBrew, and particularly The Dark Knight mocha-esque drink, has made many a morning more manageable this year. The Dark Knight not only has a sweet name, but it’s flavored with white chocolate, dark chocolate and butterscotch. Yass! It also helps that the Tupelo location is neatly situated next to my daughter’s school and on my way to work. I buy coffee for my employees to bribe them into thinking I am the best boss ever. When really, I just use them as an excuse to buy myself coffee. Strange Brew is my jim jam.

It’s taken me a while, but I have finally ventured into trying out an online meal delivery service. After reading several lists (ha) of reviews and rankings of the services, I decided to try Plated. Man, where has this been all my life? It can be pricey in any of the variations and websites you go to, but Plated has desserts, so I had to try it first. I have loved every recipe. The recipe cards are beautiful and promote making the recipes again. The packaging is labelled clearly and organized into individual bags for each recipe. I love food and this brings more variety into my life. I find myself craving less take out or dining out and look forward to coming home to cook. It’s worth the price for the laziness and hatred of grocery shopping and making dietary improvements in my life.

Crave is a magical place where I can get desserts during the hours that normal healthy people stop eating. Why not hit up Crave on a Saturday at 10 p.m. just because? My thoughts exactly. I have tried many things on the menu, but I have to say, the S’mores pie has a hold on me like no other dessert. It has a melty brownie consistency with melted marshmallow on top with a graham cracker crust. I can’t even finish telling you about it before going to get a piece. BRB.

So, my sister and my daughter have been urging me to watch Sing Street for like a bajillion years. Okay, maybe more like a year. (Sorry, guys!) For my birthday this year, my daughter and I actually had a small window of downtime in our lives and she requested that I finally give in and watch this movie. I caved this time primarily because she pulled the whole “mommy-daughter time” maneuver on me. You know the one. Well, I watched it expecting cheesy 80’s fakery, which is what I got, but in the best way possible. What I also got was a feel-good, motivational glory fest with an excellent soundtrack. I listen to Drive It Like You Stole It daily at this point for over two weeks now and most days I listen to it at least ten times. It’s on Netflix, so you have no excuse not to try it. Add it to that queue.

First off, I will watch or read almost anything that has to do with time travel. (I’ll have to list all my time travel love in a separate list!) Secondly, I’ll watch anything that stars or involves Peeta, I mean, Josh Hutcherson. I did not expect the whacked out entertainment that Hulu’s Original show gave me. I went into the show ready to love Josh Hutcherson’s character, Josh Futterman, but fell hardest in love with the character of Wolf played by Derek Wilson. Unless you just enjoy throwbacks to 1999 with a grown-up Sixth Sense’s Haley Joel Osment as Dr. Stu Camillio, Wolf will surely win you over with entirely too quotable lines such as, “I need 16 straws and a bump of coke”. Start watching for nekkid Josh Hutcherson (Aww yeyah), but stay for Wolf.

Who knew that America loved weekly ritualistic self-inflicted pain? And how! I don’t think there’s been a single episode that hasn’t made me ugly cry. Actually, probably the Kevin’s backstory in season two, episode eight didn’t make me cry, but that’s because that character is the least lovable of them all. There’s not much I can say about this show that everyone on your FB feed probably isn’t already saying. Even if you’re not watching it, you probably still know how good it is in your very soul. Milo Ventimiglia has been in my faves for a very long time (Peter Petrelli and Team Jesse, of course!), but as Jack Pearson, he wins. At what does he win, you say? Just, all of it. Watch it. Enjoy that weekly cry. Release that stress.

I had the opportunity to check out the board game, Kill Doctor Lucky, at an event hosted by Tupelo Game Days, where they let you try out any of the board and card games in their expansive library. While we speed read the instructions that day and essentially butchered the way it is supposed to play, we were intrigued enough to purchase it ourselves. The game is akin to Clue, but reverse in that you are trying to kill Doctor Lucky instead of solving his murder. It has alternate play in the game which involves a cat or dog. I kicked major tail with the cat play rules and my friends are still butt hurt about it. I am absolutely not just biased because I won this game; it’s just plain fun.

I only live 1.9 miles from Ichiban, and honestly, most places on Tupelo2Go’s website, but that doesn’t stop me from needing, wanting, and utilizing their service constantly. It has menus for me to gawk at and total up costs all in my own sweet time in my jammies. More than anything, just in 2018, it has kept me from having to leave the house while dealing with a flu ridden child and from leaving my desk while catching up from snow days. It’s worth the $3.99 delivery fee. Trust me.

This is probably the most mundane and adult thing on my list, but hey, I love me some office supplies. A few weeks ago, I went frivolously to Office Max in search of a nice notebook and ring binder combo for organizing that looked fancier and more professional than my pink bubble trapper keeper from high school. It was there I found the TUL Custom Note-Taking System, which is basically a choose your own adventure of professional looking notepads. I advise anyone with a need (or love) for organization and/or office supplies to check them out online or in our Tupelo store.

When I have pants on and feel like eating, but don’t feel like being disciplined and eating my Plated meals, I will always choose to eat at El Vera Cruz. (Sorry, family!) They have the best table side guacamole I have ever eaten and the best traditional carnitas tacos ever. I know Mexican restaurants are a dime a dozen around here, but this one is hands down my favorite. It’s worth the little extra time to go to the outskirts of Tupelo, since it is located in Skyline.

Culture Shock

Once upon a time, there was a woman who found herself living in the deep south. She wasn’t from there. She didn’t really fit in. She stubbornly refused to adopt a southern accent, and it was pointed out on occasion by various people she interacted with. “Where are you from?” they’d ask.

direction photoDepending on her mood, she’d answer Michigan, New Jersey, or Massachusetts. All were true, to a point. Born in Michigan, formative years in Jersey, and graduated high school in New England. She definitely did not have a childhood anything like many of the people she knew. She found many people, especially in rural America, lived relatively sheltered lives, even in this age of global connectivity. They have lived in the same relative area their entire lives, and often their parents and grandparents grew up there, as well. They went to school with the same group of kids from kindergarten through high school. They have had the same neighbors for years on end. And they hear the same ideas, political, religious, and social, in every direction. One has to consciously look for dissenting opinions in a homogeneous society. That is not a comfortable thing to do, and most people prefer to be comfortable.

Moving frequently as a child and young adult meant that the protagonist in our little story here was repeatedly confronted with people who didn’t think like her. Different backgrounds, different groups of peers, and different experiences led to different outlooks. The new kid on the block always feels the differences, and our Yankee in Robert E Lee’s Garden never felt them more strongly than when the southern culture shock set in.

After graduating to “official adulthood”, this woman had settled in to life in the south as best she could. She was raising her kids – kids who articulated their words in a peculiar way according to those who heard them. Clearly raised by a Yankee, and a former English teacher at that. She would deny any hint that she was “from” Mississippi vehemently, but she was ok living there. She would always claim any other place she’d ever lived as her origin before she claimed the south. In 2018, though, she realized that she had lived more of her life in Mississippi than in all the other places combined.

mississippi photoWhy did she resist claiming the state so desperately? Maybe it was time to open her eyes and her arms and embrace fully the fact that, though she was from elsewhere, Mississippi was home. Home to a liberal, secular, freethinking Yankee. 

What Tupelo Means To Me

I was recently asked, “What does Tupelo mean to you?” As I pondered this question, I realized there was no simple answer. You see, Tupelo’s meaning to me has evolved greatly in my 30 years living near or in this great city.

As a young girl growing up in nearby Amory, Tupelo was the “big city” I begged my mom to take me to on the weekends. I wanted to visit the mall or see a movie, and we always included a stop at TCBY on the way home. It was the place where I went during preadolescence to transform from an ugly duckling to a kind of pretty swan with braces from Hodges Orthodontics. As a teenager, it’s where I went to buy music at Album Alley and ride “The Loop.”

Tupelo was the place where I finally felt free to be me. It’s where I embraced the weirdo in me and transformed my way of thinking. I made friends from all walks of life, and I learned not to be afraid of things and people I didn’t quite understand.

Tupelo was the place where I found love…three different times. I met my high school sweetheart at The Loop, my college sweetheart through mutual friends in Tupelo, and later, I met my husband outside a little bar that occupied the old Ribcage building, known as Boondock’s Grill back then.

Tupelo was the city where this girl became a woman. I got my first real job in Tupelo, and I paid my first rent on a little house on Wayside Street in East Tupelo, right next to Johnny’s Drive In. I was in Tupelo when I learned I was pregnant with both of my children, who are now 8 and 2 years old.

Tupelo was also a place where I made some mistakes and experienced a little heartache and pain. But, I am even grateful for those moments, because they forced me to grow and change some things about myself that desperately needed changing.

I can’t talk about what Tupelo means to me without bringing up one of my greatest loves – music. What an amazing yet underrated little music scene this city has! I’ve danced to the likes of musicians like Keller Williams, Alabama Shakes, Galactic, and Marty Stuart, and discovered unbelievably talented local artists like John West, The Bad Hand, and Scott Chism and the Better Half at little bars like the Stables and Blue Canoe.

I don’t live in Tupelo anymore. My husband brought our family a little north of there, just south of Baldwyn, but I still visit Tupelo almost daily and consider it my city.

Now, it’s the “big city” where I take my kids to play at the splash park at Veteran’s Memorial, to see the animals at the Buffalo Park, or to get Spiderman’s autograph at the Mall.

It’s where I go when I’m in the mood for the best burger I can find, a craving that can only be satisfied with a Smash Burger from Neon Pig.

It’s where I go to occasionally unwind from mom life with a drink with friends at Thirsty Devil or Blue Canoe.

It’s where my husband and I escape for the rare date night at one of the many amazing restaurants in town.

Though my address now says differently, Tupelo is still “my Tupelo” in every way that counts.

Who Doesn’t Need a Pick-Up?

It’s pushing a cart. It’s picking up 16 things that are not on your list because, well, they look good. It’s two screaming kids wanting toys they don’t need. It’s 25 people on aisle eight trying to get cereal as well. It’s waiting in the checkout line 14 minutes longer then you spent shopping. It’s going to swipe your debit card and realizing you don’t have that much cash in your account, so you are about to overdraft. It’s… Grocery shopping.

If I am imploring my own personal decision, this is the worst chore known to man. I loathe everything about the process of shopping for food. Don’t misunderstand me, I love food. However, I hate shopping for food. Who’s with me?

Alas! There is a small form of cavalry that has become available for the mom who works a 40-hour-week, picks up her kids from daycare, comes home and realizes that there is nothing to eat. She then has to drive 30 minutes out of the way to Walmart just so her family can eat tonight or resort to spending $60 at Red Lobster.

Forget that! Well, I have the fix! This incredible invention? Walmart Pickup.

It’s seriously the best thing since Ryan Gosling. (AmIright??)

Let me tell you how this awesome process works! Go online (link below), you can use your phone, and pick out the items you want on your list. Set up a time slot to pick the items up. Call them about 15 minutes before you arrive, pull up, the employees load your car, and you are on your way before you could have made it to aisle 2 with 3 items in your cart you don’t even want!

They literally bring it to your car,people!

I’ve got another really great reason to use this process instead of the usual… embarrassing items! I will never forget making my husband go into our local DG for my pregnancy tests because I knew if I got them, someone would see me and start telling everyone we were expecting! Turns out we were, but people found out on our time! Pick up fixes all of that! No one sees you get Rid for head lice, tampons, or even the dreaded contraceptives. Whew!!

Last reason to shop this glorious way for your items… it’s cheaper!!!! You know exactly what you will pay before you pay! This means you don’t get up to the register and ask your 10 year old to take back your steaks because you over-shopped! Embarrassing!

Do me a favor guys and make your lives a lot easier! Just use Walmart Pickup for your groceries! You will save money, time, and definitely your sanity!!!

Use this link to test it out:


You even get $10 off your first time!

Health and Fitness: A Start

I’ve been asked to write a column on health and fitness.  First of all, let me say that I don’t feel qualified to speak on such matters when there are so many others in our area that know much more.  But, I’ll be honest and candid about my ongoing journey in hopes that it can help someone else. I’ll start with a little background info on me.  

I still consider myself fairly new to the fitness arena, but it’s actually been nearly 5 years since I really started to invest time in any sort of gym atmosphere in an effort to become a better me.  But, I also sometimes think that 1990 was just 10 years ago so my judgement of time can’t always be trusted.

Anyway, I found crossfit almost 5 years ago.  I loved it. It changed my life. I met some of the very best people I’ve ever known through those gyms.  Many of whom are still great friends today, all of whom I still greatly respect. Through crossfit, I discovered a love for the barbell.  Something about the truth in it was very appealing to me. The feel of the cold iron, the confidence I gained as the weight on the bar increased, the accomplishment of hitting a new personal record on a lift, it was all so thrilling and just kept me coming back for more.

I’m sure you’ve heard all the catchy phrases, “abs are made in the kitchen”, “you can’t outwork a bad diet”, etc. Unfortunately, this has been a difficult truth for me to accept, but it is the truth just the same. You really can’t outwork a bad diet. Believe me. I’ve tried!  And, I’ve tried again, and again, and again. It just will not ever work. I have to make a conscious effort to gain control over my diet. And, I hate the word diet, but when I use it here, I just mean the food you eat, not a specific counting points, kind of diet. It’s important to look at what you eat as fuel for what you want to accomplish, rather than what I tend to do, which is eat for comfort or because I’m sad, or happy, or because it’s taco tuesday.  There are so many resources available online and tons of qualified trainers in our area that can be of help in getting started with a workout plan and a meal plan that work together. I’ll also continue to share my thoughts and experiences on the subject here as well.


My name is James, at the time of writing this introduction I’m 26 years old. I’ve lived in North Mississippi my entire life. I was born to a nurse and a farmer; the most stereo-typically Southern married couple in the world, except for the fact that they’re anything but. My parents are in my opinion, some of the most understanding and chill people in the world.

I attended a local Christian school until graduating as valedictorian in 2010. Right now you’re probably thinking you’ve got an uppity know-it-all on your hands. You’d be partially right. While I did graduate valedictorian; it was a small school, only 2 other students graduated by my side (Kudos if you are one of them). After high school I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life so I was given an ultimatum. I either go to college or get a job. In response I did what every freshly out of high school individual does, I curled up in the fetal position and then promptly applied to the satellite campus of Itawamba Community College in Tupelo, Ms.

After applying to college, I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life until that fateful day came that I had to enroll in classes. It was this day that among the standard classes I enrolled in the Foundations of Psychology Class. From then out I had found my major, that was until one of my fellow classmates introduced me to Social Work. I jumped ship, changed majors and road the waves all the way to the University of Mississippi where I met a diverse group of people and graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor’s.

As for the last couple of years, they have been a roller coaster ride of events and emotions for my family and I, that I would rather leave unspoken. Sorry to leave it at that but a lot has changed for us in a short period of time, I hope you understand.

If you’re still reading at this point, I’d like to say thank you and introduce you to the type of weekly column from me you are in for. Remember that diverse group of people I mentioned? I’m going to be talking about them. You are now looking at your screen thinking that I’m about to roast some foreigners or turn into a flaming homophobe. I’m not, and shame on you for thinking that of me. Now you are probably thinking that I’m some ultra-liberal who voted for Hillary in the last presidential election. Sorry for dragging politics into this but it’s the world we live in. Everyday we meet people who have their own diverse lives and sense of self. If I’ve lost you I will be writing about all of us, we are all human, we all deserve a voice. If reading about the human condition is boring to you I hope my unique personality keeps you interested and if not there are other columns and articles to keep you interested.

In closing, thanks for reading about me, myself, and I as well as my upcoming column about humanity.


A Brief History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

In light of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) from Nickelodeon, I thought I’d take this time to put the magnifying glass to this pop culture powerhouse. If you grew up with the Turtles, you might be surprised to know that this powerhouse is only 33 years old. (Conceived the same year I was: 1984.) I grew up alongside this phenomenon. I would watch the cartoon. I would try to get all the action figures in the set. The main problem was that Michelangelo was the most popular, I always ended up getting Raphael. I don’t know what your experience with the turtles has been, but mine has always been a fairly good experience. So, How did it all begin?

Well, it all started with a conversation at a kitchen table between Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. They were just brainstorming about the popular books at the time; Daredevil, New Mutants, Cerberus, And Frank Miller’s Ronin. They managed to pick out their favorite parts and decided to make a SATIRICAL comic about it. Which I imagine is one of the greatest aspects of this. Throw all the awesome stuff in a blender see what happens! I dare say this is a feat that could rarely be accomplished today. So, from the kitchen table to a comic; it went from a comic to a hit cartoon plus a toy line in 1987!

Then in 1990, they had an even bigger break with a live action movie partnering with the Jim Henson company. You could say that this was the peak “Turtle Power” time in history. As all things have hits and miss things started falling by the wayside in 1997 with the live action TV show that wasn’t received well. I don’t want to talk too much about the Michael Bay TMNT movies. Fans are a little divisive about that subject.I also don’t want to judge the new cartoon prematurely. Time will tell.

Now, even though the turtles in other forms of media have had their ups and downs, the comics have usually been consistent and the new things they have tried have usually been well-received. I am a huge fan of what IDW has done with them. My personal advice to any TMNT fans out there that aren’t too thrilled by the new cartoon or movies go and pick up IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Until next time, TURTLE POWER!



          Sometimes, I get very excited about things and MUST rant. I’ve recently seen a trailer for the new movie “I Kill Giants”. This immediately caused me to think about the comic from a few years ago. “Best Indy Book of 2008” by IGN. I remember reading this book kind of reluctantly. It was a book that was getting a lot of attention from female readers.So, as a retailer I was hoping to use this to attract new readers. Then I read it…it was excellent. This book is one of my top favorite comics of all time. The way the book reads exemplifies how the medium of comics can be used. I can speak on this subject totally spoil-free.

      See, I’m interested more in what this story does. What this story does is upend preconceived notions. If you think this is a tale about killing giants; you’d be wrong. If you think this story is not about killing giants; you’d…also be wrong. I, for one, am a huge fan of having my preconceived notions upended. This is actually something I like to call Quantum Storytelling. Few stories can successfully pull off multiple storyline at once. This is truly second only to Watchmen which I will touch on in future articles.

The Cover of the IGN Comic

   In conclusion, If you have the time, I suggest picking up the 7 issue series from Image comics. That’s right a huge story packed in 7 issues. Then, if you like the book, check out the movie. I believe it comes out March 23rd. I hope this film can capture the story well. I guess we will see.

Remember, I am always looking forward to questions and comments.

Nothing You Need To Read


Ok, here is my first article (Me selling myself to you the reader).  You started reading even though I said you didn’t have to. Thanks! Now for starters I am Chris because my mom told me I was.  I am 33 yrs young and am glad being a geek is cool. I am a comic book reader and collector. I’ve owned a comic Book store in the Tupelo area for 4 years. I love music, not just one genre and all sorts of movies.  That does include some B horror films nobody has heard of. I will make a list of some good ones.

If you are reading this then you are like me and enjoy learning new things. Through this article I will reveal secrets of pop culture in  movies, books, music and yes even the Tupelo area as it appears. Not only this but I will also point out how these can influence people psychologically. I know you are wondering what right I would have to give any insight on this. Truth is I don’t.  That is for you to decide. However unlike the average consumer of pop culture that goes about their day and never considers the things they consume. I do in depth research, and often uncover the minute details they themselves have overlooked. I have kept this knowledge to myself for many years. I am not offering to give you this information and point of view.

Just to make sure everyone’s on the same page let’s look at Webster’s Definition:

“Popular culture or pop culture is the entirety of attitudes, ideas, images, perspectives, and other phenomena within the mainstream of a given culture, especially Western culture of the early to mid-20th century and the emerging global mainstream of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Heavily influenced by mass media, this collection of ideas permeates the everyday lives of the society. The most common pop culture categories are: entertainment (such as movies, music, television, and video games), sports, news), politics, fashion/clothes, technology, and slang. Popular culture has a way of influencing an individual’s attitudes towards certain topics. Popular culture is sometimes viewed as being trivial and “dumbed-down” in order to find consensual acceptance throughout the mainstream. As a result, it comes under heavy criticism from various non-mainstream sources (most notably religious groups and counter-cultural groups) which deem it superficial, consumerist, sensationalist, or corrupt.”

Popular culture can be a heavy download for most people. Hopefully I can help guide you and others with a different perspective. I am always open to comments and questions.

If you have any suggestions on future content you can reach me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/poe.poz , on Twitter @Poepoz , or on Reddit r/poepoz so I can respond with my next article. Until next time.

A Quick Jaunt to a Fun Haunt


If you’re ever in the mood for a quick and spooky trip or maybe want a nice meal in a haunted tavern, King’s Tavern in Natchez, MS is your place. Whether you truly believe in ghosts or not, it’s a historical site and has loads of atmosphere!

Photo Credit to wayfaring.com

It was built in 1789 and was once used as  a post office. It’s the site of many deaths (murders and the boring ones as well). Be sure to check out their website for more info.
I’ve gone there as a tourist to eat and enjoy the environment. I have also gone  as part of a ghost hunting group. The level of EMF meter readings in there is through the roof. Maybe there is a logical explanation, but either way, a quick tour of the upstairs bedrooms will leave you with the willies.

Be sure and ask the staff about how many dishes mysteriously end up broken on the floor.

And you might as well look up all of the other haunts in the Natchez area while you’re there…