Grace Shelby-Wells darts about her south Jackson boutique of fashion, jewelry and hand-crafted items multi-tasking with a smile, and well, with grace.
She stops, looks around, lights a few candles to set a warm, welcoming mood, then begins arranging a display of colorful Fall hues.
“For about 20 years, I was a marketing executive assistant for a wonderful company,” said Shelby-Wells. “But you know, I’ve always had an artist’s mentality.”
” And this,” she says, with a sweep of her hand, “has been my dream. I’ve always loved being creative and this dream here just kept being put on the back burner. It was in the background, but never far from my mind, always.”
“Truth be told, there was that part of me that honestly felt being an artist, creating and decorating wouldn’t get me paid. So, you do grown-up things. Get a good job, get married, have kids. And life does get in the way. And still…,” she trails into silence.
But the smile comes back full force.
“So, fast forward. After many, many years, I decided at the top of this year to push forward no matter what. Fear, no matter. Anxiety, no matter, I would push forward and follow my dream. It empowered me. Like an elephant, strong; a determined, regal creature and that’s how I felt inside. It was time for me to move forward. Remember, an elephant never forgets. Thus, you know… The Elephant’s Trunk.”
Shelby-Wells’ boutique offers an array of fashion, jewelry and hand-crafted, decorative items. The business is located at 2570 N. Siwell Road in south Jackson.
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