Pivotal elections. Limited early voting. A pandemic entering a deadly new wave.
On Election Day, our reporters will be on the ground across Mississippi acting on tips from voters and reporting on any problems at the polls, be it long lines, public health concerns, voter suppression or intimidation and more. Your questions and tips are crucial to helping our team monitor the election process and inform our coverage of this election.
Mississippi voters are on the brink of an historic Election Day on Nov. 3, amid the century’s worst crisis yet. You’re the key to the balance of power in Washington. You’ll decide the fate of a medical marijuana initiative, a new state flag, and a Jim Crow era constitutional provision.
Voters are ready. But what about local election officials? Can the Magnolia State pull off an election of this magnitude without putting voters at risk of infection? What about ballot security? Will you feel secure enough to mask up, line up and make your vote count?
For Mississippi voters still planning to vote absentee or head to the polls in person on Election Day, Mississippi Today wants to make sure we provide the most up-to-date information and resources.
ELECTION COVERAGE: Follow Mississippi Today’s full coverage of the 2020 election.
As Mississippi’s first nonprofit news organization, we’ve dedicated our efforts to reporting extensively on the issues most important to Mississippi.
Are we missing any issues that are important to you? Is there information that would help better prepare you at the polls? Let us know by filling out the form below.
View our Election FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions from our readers. The FAQ is a living post and will continue to be updated.
You can also find a complete guide to voting in Mississippi, including polling locations, what’s on the ballot and where candidates stand on the issues, within our 2020 Voter Guide.
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