Steele’s Dive will have Hannah Roye at 7 p.m.
Eric Ryan and Michael Breedlove will be at Forklift tonight at 7 p.m.
Amsterdam Deli & Beer is hosting Open Mic Comedy Night at 8 p.m.
Tuesday Night Trivia at Old Venice at 6 p.m.
Tuesday Night Trivia at O’Charley’s at 7 p.m.
In Oxford, Proud Larry’s will have Jimbo Mathus & His Durrty Crooks at 7 p.m.
We’re here to keep YOU in the know, and we don’t want to miss a thing!
To notify us of an event we’ve missed listing, or that you want us to know about coming up, you have options!
- You can tag our Facebook page on a post
- You can mark us as a co-host on your Facebook event
- You can also send us a direct message on our Facebook page
- You can shoot us an email at
Be sure to check out our extended calendar of events as well, for upcoming happenings in the area!
Have a great day and get out there and enjoy Our Tupelo!
* We update all listings periodically as new information becomes available.
If you’d like to become a sponsor of our daily Music and Entertainment Lineup, please contact or call 662-260-1498
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