New Expectations for Women in Mississippi (NEWMS) is a Tupelo-based non-profit that works to empower women to reach their full potential.
The Fairy Godmother Project focuses on helping women pay for unexpected needs relating to employment.
These “wishes” or grants might be car repair so a woman can continue going to work; paying for suitable clothing for women who just got a job; providing gas cards to allow a woman to report to work until receiving her first paycheck; paying for portions of an employment training program that are not already covered by another organization or grant; or any other need that is directly related to getting or maintaining employment.
When a request is received, the situation is first vetted to ensure that it is a true need.
“We partner with the provider to make sure that we are addressing the actual issue — so we don’t just provide a check for the repair the person thinks they need. We work with the mechanic to ensure that the repair will resolve the problem and that the amount of the repair is appropriate for the needed service.”
The Fairy Godmother Project is funded by NEWMS Fairy Godmother memberships and by fundraising events.
100% of the money that comes into the Fairy Godmother Project is given away as grants. None is used for overhead, administrative or any other expenses.
Grant amounts vary based on the need. For example, in one instance, $1,500.00 was raised to replace a transmission for one applicant, and in another instance, a $50.00 gas card was provided for another.
Often, providing a Fairy Godmother grant is the difference between a woman retaining her job and caring for her family, or slipping back into dependence. When a mom is able to demonstrate the value of working, her children are significantly more likely to see working as their own path to success.
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