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2020 Census: What You Need To Know

It’s the dawning of a new decade, and with it, the federal government is getting ready to ask some personal questions for the 2020 census. By next April 1, the Census Bureau plans to send a letter or a door knocker to every U.S. household. It’s part of a once-a-decade tradition of counting every person living in the U.S.

Each national head count usually comes with a rash of confusion. The 2020 census will be the first in the U.S. since the rise of social media. The government has already begun preparing to combat disinformation campaigns that may try to disrupt the count, which is rolling out during what’s expected to be a heated presidential race.

The deadline to respond is July 31, and participation is mandated by federal law. So before trashing that envelope along with advertisements and mailers, here’s what to know about the decennial census and why it’s important.

Why is the census important?

The census is required by the Constitution, which has called for an “actual enumeration” once a decade since 1790.

Your response matters. A lot. Health clinics. Fire departments. Schools. Even roads and highways. The census can shape many different aspects of your community.

The 2020 population numbers will shape, for example, how political power and federal tax dollars are shared in the U.S over the next 10 years. The number of congressional seats and Electoral College votes each state gets are determined by census numbers.

They also guide how an estimated $880 billion a year in federal funding is distributed for schools, roads and other public services in local communities.

The demographic data are also used by businesses to determine, for example, where to build new supermarkets and by emergency responders to locate injured people after natural disasters.

It’s a major undertaking!

The federal government has been counting people every 10 years since 1790. In total, $6.3 billion has been budgeted for this year’s process. The Census Bureau will hire half a million temporary workers nationwide to help with the count.

When does the 2020 census officially start?

The head count is set to officially begin on Jan. 21, in Toksook Bay, Alaska — more than two months before Census Day (April 1), which is a reference date. Most households can start participating around mid-March, when letters with instructions are scheduled to be sent to 95 percent of homes around the country.


March 12 – 20: Households will begin receiving official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census online, by phone, or by mail.

March 30 – April 1: The Census Bureau will count people who are experiencing homelessness over these three days. As part of this process, the Census Bureau counts people in shelters, at soup kitchens and mobile food vans, on the streets, and at non-sheltered, outdoor locations such as tent encampments.

April 1: Census Day is observed nationwide. By this date, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. When you respond to the census, you’ll tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020.

April: Census takers will begin visiting college students who live on campus, people living in senior centers, and others who live among large groups of people. Census takers also begin conducting quality check interviews to help ensure an accurate count.

May – July: Census takers will begin visiting homes that haven’t responded to the 2020 Census to help make sure everyone is counted.

December: The Census Bureau will deliver apportionment counts to the President and Congress as required by law.

March 31, 2021: By this date, the Census Bureau will send redistricting counts to states. This information is used to redraw legislative districts based on population changes.

How is the census taken?

The 2020 count will be the first one to allow all U.S. households to respond online. Paper forms will still be available, and, for the first time, you can call 1-800 numbers to give responses over the phone. Census workers will make home visits to remote areas — including rural Alaska, parts of northern Maine and some American Indian reservations — to gather census information in person. Households in the rest of the U.S. that do not respond themselves by early April may start receiving visits from door knockers trained to conduct census interviews and collect responses using smartphones.

Who gets counted in the census?

The Census Bureau includes every person living in the U.S. — regardless of citizenship or immigration status. International visitors on vacation or work trips to the U.S. during the census are not included. Residents are counted at the address where they usually live and sleep. The Census Bureau has a detailed breakdown of how the 2020 census will count deployed troops, college students, incarcerated people, those displaced by natural disasters and other groups in unique living situations.

What questions will the 2020 census ask?

Most of the questions will be similar to what census forms have asked for in recent counts:

  • The number of people living or staying in a home on April 1, 2020.
  • Whether the home is owned with or without a mortgage, rented or occupied without rent.
  • A phone number for a person in the home.
  • The name, sex, age, date of birth and race of each person in the home.
  • Whether each person is of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.
  • The relationship of each person to a central person in the home.

Notable changes for 2020 include new write-in areas under the race question for the non-Hispanic origins of those who identify as white and/or black (“German” and “Jamaican” are among the provided examples). There are also new household relationship categories that allow couples living together to identify their relationships as either “same-sex” or “opposite-sex.”

Can I refuse to answer a census question?

You can skip questions, submit an incomplete census form, and still be included in the head count. But you can be fined for refusing to answer a census question or intentionally giving a false answer, although the penalty has been enforced rarely in the past. Returning a partially filled-out questionnaire may result in a follow-up phone call or visit from a census worker.

What about my privacy? Are census responses confidential?

The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by law to protect your answers and keep them strictly confidential. In fact, every employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life.

Under current federal law, the bureau cannot share census responses identifying individuals with the public or other federal agencies, including immigration authorities and other law enforcement, until 72 years after the information is collected. The Census Bureau, however, can release anonymized census information about specific demographic groups at a level as detailed as a neighborhood.

The answers you provide are used only to produce statistics. You are kept anonymous: The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in any way that could identify you or anyone else in your home.

Being responsible stewards of your data is not only required by law, it is embedded in Census Bureau culture. Strict policies and statistical safeguards help protect the confidentiality of your information. Before releasing data products, the Census Bureau verifies that they meet its confidentiality standards. The security of Census Bureau systems is a top priority, and their IT infrastructure is designed to defend against and contain cyberthreats. They continually refine their approach to identifying, preventing, detecting, and responding to these threats.

Can my answers be shared with law enforcement or used against me?

NO. The law prevents the Census Bureau from sharing your information with law enforcement. Your answers cannot be used to impact your eligibility for government benefits. Your answers are only used to create statistics about our country. The Census Bureau is bound by Title 13 of the U.S. Code to protect your personal information and keep it strictly confidential.

To reiterate: It’s safe.

Even though a citizenship question won’t be included, hype around this issue has caused many unauthorized immigrants to be concerned about their safety participating.

The bureau has assured residents that personal data collected cannot be shared with other agencies, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement or the Homeland Security Department, and, before it is published, it is stripped of all personal identifiable information. Census records are kept private for 72 years, after which the National Archives releases them to the public to be used for genealogy.

Can I respond to the census in a language other than English?

While paper forms will only be available in English and Spanish, you can respond online or by phone in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Tagalog and Vietnamese. The bureau is also providing video and printed guides in 59 non-English languages, as well as a video in American Sign Language.

How do I apply for a census job?

Applications for the half-million temporary census positions, including door knockers and outreach specialists, must be submitted online. You can find more information on the bureau’s recruitment website.

When will the 2020 census results be released?

The Census Bureau is expected to announce the new population counts by Dec. 31, 2020. That’s the bureau’s deadline for sending to the president numbers for the reapportionment of congressional seats, which goes into effect beginning with the 2022 elections. 2020 census data used for state and local redistricting are set to be released by March 31, 2021. The bureau is planning to release other new census data beginning in spring 2021.

What questions WILL NOT be asked by the Census Bureau?

During the 2020 Census, the Census Bureau will never ask you for:

  • Your Social Security number.
  • Money or donations.
  • Anything on behalf of a political party.
  • Your bank or credit card account numbers.
  • If someone claiming to be from the Census Bureau contacts you via email or phone and asks you for one of these things, it’s a scam, and you should not cooperate.

Verifying census workers

Make sure census workers have a valid ID badge that includes their photo, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date. Census workers also may carry Census Bureau bags and other equipment with the bureau’s logo.

The Madden Crab


803 South Gloster Street
Tupelo, MS
(Located across from the hospital)

Food coma…sooo good!!

A restaurant with its own unique style, menu, and look is always an exciting addition for our community! The excitement starts to build from early plans, new construction, and finally the big reveal!

The Madden Crab team has been working full steam on the remodel and branding of the new eatery, and are ready to welcome Tupelo to a new dining experience!

I was told that most of their seafood comes from our Gulf Coast when available and in season. And although they don’t offer a buffet, on the menu you’ll find steak, chicken, and a sea of seafood to dive into from Blue Crab, Snow Crab and King Crab Legs, lobster, Oysters, Crawfish, Shrimp, Clams, Dungeness, and various versions of Mussels. Plus many sides and sauces to accompany your main course.

I had the privilege of attending the soft opening and getting a taste of what’s on the menu. Pure awesomeness! Everyone got a mixed bag of seafood with your choice of seasoning. There was also a table set up with a sample of their fried meats and chicken wings.

After being seated, and making your menu choices, you are brought a bucket filled with crab shell cracker tools, lobster bib, plastic gloves, and wet wipes. I used all of them which came in very handy!

Speaking of menu choices, you are offered several spices for your seafood combos. My favorite was garlic butter which is then included in your boiled bag of seafood goodness. The bags were a great idea since everything from the shrimp, potatoes, and corn will be infused with all the flavors.

The Madden Crab has something for everyone. You can have something to drink at the bar with a plate of wings, hand breaded chicken strips with a side of fries, or dive head first into your favorite seafood!

Folks, I’m very excited about this new dining experience. The vibe is extremely pleasant with a relaxed atmosphere. You could show up in your beach clothes or your snazziest getup. I spoke with the owner and staff at length and they have worked hard to create a new dining experience for our community to enjoy.

Open Sunday thru Thursday 11am – 10pm, Friday & Saturday 11am – 11pm.

View their Facebook page for specials and more. Tell them that Eating Out With Jeff Jones sent ya.

See y’all there!!!

Connect with me on social media!





Strange Corner, Ep. 2

When something begins… an end is created. The path has been set in motion so keep an eye on where it leads.

Come back Wednesday for more.

NEWMS Fairy Godmother Project

New Expectations for Women in Mississippi (NEWMS) is a Tupelo-based non-profit that works to empower women to reach their full potential.

The Fairy Godmother Project focuses on helping women pay for unexpected needs relating to employment.

These “wishes” or grants might be car repair so a woman can continue going to work; paying for suitable clothing for women who just got a job; providing gas cards to allow a woman to report to work until receiving her first paycheck; paying for portions of an employment training program that are not already covered by another organization or grant; or any other need that is directly related to getting or maintaining employment.

When a request is received, the situation is first vetted to ensure that it is a true need.

“We partner with the provider to make sure that we are addressing the actual issue — so we don’t just provide a check for the repair the person thinks they need. We work with the mechanic to ensure that the repair will resolve the problem and that the amount of the repair is appropriate for the needed service.”

The Fairy Godmother Project is funded by NEWMS Fairy Godmother memberships and by fundraising events.

100% of the money that comes into the Fairy Godmother Project is given away as grants. None is used for overhead, administrative or any other expenses.

Grant amounts vary based on the need. For example, in one instance, $1,500.00 was raised to replace a transmission for one applicant, and in another instance, a $50.00 gas card was provided for another.

Often, providing a Fairy Godmother grant is the difference between a woman retaining her job and caring for her family, or slipping back into dependence. When a mom is able to demonstrate the value of working, her children are significantly more likely to see working as their own path to success.

Mississippi Monsoons and Mayhem

As I sit inside on this dreary day watching The Weather Channel, I keep repeating to myself, “When will the rain ever end?” I have never in 60 years witnessed so much rain! Rain, rain, please go away!

Sound familiar? I bet most of you are thinking or saying the same thing or something close to it. It has been a season of catastrophic storms, never-ending rain, and flooding. Never have I ever! 

Well, I am going to have to retract that last statement. Because apparently, I have. We all have. 

As I was reading over some of my past Two Old Crows posts, I came across one written two years ago. How could I have forgotten all of the rain that year? Thinking back, that WAS the year that I witnessed the young lady paddling a kayak down our street. Funny how my mind forgot, or temporarily covered with cobwebs, the events of that very rainy season.

I tend to forget many things that seemed so monumental at the time they were occurring. I don’t remember a lot of happenings that I, in one moment, labeled life-altering.

Looking back, I have realized that today, these things have no bearing whatsoever on my life at the present.

So, what can I surmise from this? My Bible and my mama were absolutely right: To everything there IS a SEASON. Not a lifetime; a SEASON. A teeny-tiny twinkling of time. 

I am grateful that I had a chance to go back in time, by way of my written words, for it enabled me to remember periods of time I had forgotten. It made me recognize that even though 2020 has been filled with waters and winds, that this too shall pass. I leave you with my thoughts from 2018, so that you too will realize this season will soon be forgotten.


As I write this, my eyes turn from the written word on the page to the window next to me. As I gaze out the window, I realize the recent monsoonal season across the South has caused my back yard to become a virtual swampy wilderness. The grass is almost lime in color and the blades now reach far above my ankles. The John Deere tractor sits covered underneath a tarp. Due to the mass amounts of water at the back of our house, there is no sign it will come out of hiding anytime in the near future. The lush green tomato plants I was so proud of a month ago have changed to the colors of muddy brown and jaundiced yellow. The recent harsh winds that accompanied the deluge of rainfall have caused the owl on my window sill, the one with the bobbling head that at first used to frighten away birds from our strawberries, to turn his large, golden eyes toward me. His face seems to have changed somewhat since he was placed there in early May. It looks as though he is saying with a mime’s voice, “Please! Let me in! Just let me in!”

The birds at my home, lovingly named Ashley Cottage, have spent a great deal of time sitting UNDER the porch instead of frolicking to and fro. The weather has been so bad, they do not even attempt to pick the strawberries out of the hanging baskets anymore. The bird feeders are clogged and need to be cleaned and changed, but alas, the weather has not permitted me to take on this laborious challenge as of late. Besides, until the clouds subside for multiple days, it would be a fruitless endeavor and one that would have to be repeated after every rain.

In all of my 58 years, I have never seen it rain so much or so often. My poor home state of Texas has been ravaged with flood waters, as have the majority of the other Southern states. The Red River is mighty and high, and the closing of major bridges and thoroughfares has become commonplace. Ranchers are moving their cattle to higher ground and farmers are mourning the loss of their crops.

Even worse, people are weeping over the loss of loved ones due to the deadly weather. Tornadoes have hit hard in the past months, and even today, there are multiple warnings being broadcast over the airways. To top it off, the locusts are in rare form this year, and together, their haunting and eerie voices sound more like Martians invading than anything of nature. Yes, this has been a strange and unusual season.

But it is, after all, a season, and in my mother’s words, “This too shall pass.” Brighter days are coming and soon, the scorching summertime sun will be shining down upon us. And if I know humans, we will be complaining about the sweltering heat and the mass of malaria carrying mosquitoes. We will be begging for the smallest drop of rain and complaining about wilting flowers and dying shrubberies. The roadways will emit a steady stream of sultry steam, and the air will be so thick breathing becomes a chore. A multitude of army worms and grasshoppers will replace the screeching locusts and ticks will return with a vengeance. That too, will be but a season.

As I ponder this Earth and its many changes, I have determined two things: Humans can never be satisfied, and God is in control. Yes, HE is in control. He controls not only the forces of nature, but every aspect of our lives.

Though we do not always understand why things happen as they do, we must all believe it is all part of His great plan. He is the Absolute Architect. He is the bigger than any storm and stronger than the rising tides. HE is in complete control.

So, during this season, I will continue to praise Him in the rain, and when the next season blazes in, I shall praise Him in the sun. When the winter wind whisks itself in, I will praise Him in the cold, and when the flowers begin to bloom, I will praise Him in the sweet spring.

In all things, and seasons, I will praise Him.

Perfect Gifts for the Well-Seasoned

If we are lucky enough, someday we are going to be senior citizens. If we are really lucky, we will end up being a part of that illustrious group I lovingly call, ‘well-seasoned.’ 

My sweet mom is a member of the W-S (Well-Seasoned) Club. Years ago, she made the decision to move to an assisted living community. She picked out the new place she would call home. Though it was not an easy decision for her, she made it — for herself and for her children. She always insisted that she did not want to be a burden on us in her golden years. The choice she made was such a blessing to us. She is where she elected to go and it has been a wonderful eight years for us and for her.  

However, there is one thing that has really been difficult: gift-giving. When she was still able to drive, it was a no-brainer; a gift card was the perfect solution. Now that driving is no longer in the equation, it’s a lot more difficult to buy for her.

Space is really an issue. There is only one small closet, and limited wall space in her room, so ‘sit-arounds’, for the most part, are not an optimal gift choice. 

So, what’s left? I’m glad you asked, because I was going to offer some suggestions… even if you had not asked. (Yeah, I’m THAT kind of girl!) 

The number one thing on my, ‘What to Get the Well-Seasoned’ is simply this: time.

Go visit them! I know my mom gets so excited when company comes. Even if you only have half an hour, it’s a perfect gift and it means so much to them. It’s free and it’s easy!

If members of the W-S Club are mobile, meaning they can get in and out of your vehicle easily and safely, take them for a ride! Oh, how many glorious days have mom and I spent just riding around! Too many to count. We have, in the past, driven to her childhood home, the home she raised all of us in, and around the town she lives in now. It’s such a pleasure for her to get out and see her old stomping ground. She used to be an avid gardener, and she still loves flowers. Springtime is a perfect time for a short scenic drive. Flowers have already started blooming, y’all! Oh, and on the way back home, stop by Sonic for a Happy Hour milkshake! Go ahead…make their day!

Food is another gift that tops my list. The older we get, the smaller amount of food we eat at one time. Pack up a basket, bag, or box with peanut butter crackers, miniature marshmallows and hot chocolate packets, peppermint sticks, Little Debbie Snack Cakes, fresh fruit, small bottles of juice and water, and SOFT candy. Please make sure they are not diabetic before you load them up on sugar! If they are, there are lots of sugar-free candies available. Mom has received many ‘happy bags’ and trust me…they do make her happy! NOTE: Throw in more treats than one person can eat!  Everyone loves to give out candy and treats to visitors and friends. Give them enough to share!

Of course, house slippers, socks, and warm fleece blankets are nice and useable gifts too.  You can pick these up on the cheap at places like Five and Below, Wal-Mart, and Big Lots. Make sure if you give them slipper socks, get the ones with the rubber grippers on the bottom. Safety is always an important issue!

Photographs are magnificent gifts, but remember, space is limited and it is sometimes difficult for the W-S Club members to keep all of their photos in one spot. Two solutions would be electronic photo frames and photo books. I find the electronic frames can be a bit pricey and sometimes, loading pictures is a time-consuming pain. My vote is for the photo books. There are a number of websites that offer these gems. They are quick, easy, and can be purchased for as little as $14.99! Years ago, I made one for Mom on Shutterfly. I put a multitude of photos in that book, plus I was able to easily add text to each of them. (It is VERY important to add notes as to who is in the pictures and when and where they were taken!) When the book arrived, I was so pleased. It was a nicely bound, hard cover book loaded with precious memories. The books on Shutterfly currently start at $14.99 and go up to $34.99, depending on the size you want. I opted for the 10 x 10 size and the total cost was $24.99. Money and time well-spent!

Another great elder gift is a collection of personal care items. Good smelling soap and lotions, chap-stick, SOFT toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, hair spray, soft tissues, soft-bristled hair brushes and combs, bobby pins, hair nets (so their hair won’t get messed up while they sleep), and toothpaste are always needed and appreciated. Hit up your local Dollar Tree for these treats! You can even get a pretty bag to put them in…for a BUCK!

As I look back over this list of W-S Club ideas, I am amazed. These are things I would love! In fact, these are things anyone would love! Hey, heck, yeah!!

I am always searching for more and different senior gifts, so if you have any super sharable ideas, please let us know!  Happy “Happy” shopping!

NewObits.com offers a new way to remember those we’ve lost.

Newobits.com is a revolutionary new website for the Northeast Mississippi Community as a way to remember and honor our loved ones. It is a single website where readers can come and read the Northeast Mississippi obituaries without having to go to multiple websites to stay informed. The website is updated with new content every five minutes, so it’s always up to date. 

Not only will this website be a great way for readers to view obituaries each day, but it is also a great way for families to share the legacies of their departed. Traditional obituaries are cost prohibitive to some families. Some families reduce the size of their tribute or eliminate photos to conserve, while others forgo a traditional obituary altogether. Newobits.com is entirely free. Free to readers. Free to Funeral Homes. Free to Families. It is graciously sponsored by businesses wanting to pay their respects by enabling this free obituary service for their community. 

There are currently 13 amazing Funeral Homes in Northeast Mississippi that have generously given permission to service the families and communities by providing this service to their families, and that number is rapidly growing. If you would like to see more funeral homes represented, please let them know you’d like your family to have this option to remember your loved ones.

Ashley Elkins, along with her husband Chris, founded Newobits.com as a passion project to ensure every family is able to provide a lasting legacy for their loved ones.

NewObits.com is a free online obituary service. If you would like more information about this topic, please call Ashley Elkins at 662-237-5001, or email ashley@newobits.com.

Sanctuary Village Shoppe

I have long been a customer of Sanctuary Village Shoppe on South Gloster in Tupelo.  Why? Well, first of all, I am a ‘thrifter’ aka ‘cheapskate’. Plus, I love the thrill of the hunt, I love the finds, and most of all, I love saving money.  Of all the resale shops in this area, I would definitely say that Sanctuary is one of my top favorites. They have everything and anything you might be searching for, and since Clayton Turner has taken over the helm as manager, the appeal factor has multiplied in magnitude for me.   

I have known Clayton since his days at The Cotton Bolt.  Oh, how I depended on him to help me select the perfect fabrics.  My grandchildren lovingly called him, Uncle Clayton, as they loved visiting with him and quite frankly, we visited often enough to consider him one of our dear relatives!  I was so saddened when I learned he had left The Cotton Bolt, but when I discovered he was at Sanctuary, my old heart did a happy, Texas Two-Step. 

And so, it began; frequent trips to Sanctuary. It’s one of the few places I know where you can walk in with a few bucks and leave with something you can either resurface, use immediately, give as a gift, or carefully place in the china cabinet and deem it a treasure. 

They literally have something for everyone…and everyone finds something. They have furniture, glassware, clothing, books, toys, pictures, picture frames, appliances, china, decorative pieces, and so much more. Basically, anything you might be searching for! But today, I want to tell you a little bit about their men’s clothing section; namely, their business and sports coat and jacket section.

A while back, a friend of ours came into town and realized he had left his sport’s jacket three states away.  Yes, he could have gone to Belk or another of the stores that carry menswear, but he didn’t ‘need’ another jacket, so he did not want to spend his children’s inheritance on one. (Have you priced men’s suits lately?  Oh, good grief! They are outrageous!) So, I suggested we pop over to Sanctuary Village Shoppe to see if maybe they had one in good condition and reasonably priced. Since I had never actually looked for, or seen their men’s section, I honestly did not know if they even carried sportscoats, but we soon found out! 

When we walked in, wouldn’t you know it?  The men’s section was right in front of us. Hey, who knew?  I certainly didn’t! The blazers and suits were sorted by size, and there were so many of them, all in good condition.  As we searched for a jacket, my OCD kicked in. Each time he selected one he thought he might like, I would look for flaws, tears, and stains.  Let me tell you, in looking over their vast selection, I only found two or three that had tiny pulls or stains that were so miniscule, it wouldn’t matter.  The search continued. Then he pulled from the rack a navy-blue jacket. It was so beautiful! I searched and found absolutely nothing wrong with it, so he slipped it on.  A perfect fit, and he looked so dapper in it! It was like it was made especially for him. As I was putting back on the hanger, I looked inside the jacket. Y’all won’t believe what the label had on it.  Are you ready? Maybe you had better sit down for this one. What was on the label? ARMANI! Let me repeat that. ARMANI! BOOM! SOLD to the highly intelligent businessman who left his ‘meeting jacket’ at home…three states away!

If you are not familiar with the brand, let me give you a quick rundown.  Armani is made in Italy. It is a highly sought after and very expensive brand.  Their clothing is made to last, and their jackets are wonderfully tailored. Nordstrom carries these babies and they range in price from $500.00 to $1,400.00 each.  Crazy, right? If you are a non-believer, go to Nordstrom’s website and type in Armani Navy Blazer. You will find a photo, and a price tag attached that most of the folks I know cannot afford.  Our friend’s price for this blazer? $5.50. You read that right. $5.50! BOOM, CHAKA LAKA! I was beside myself, as was he. Fortunately, we had time to drop it by the one-hour cleaners for a quick spruce-up before he had to wear it.  Total price for the jacket and cleaning was less than $12.00. Honestly? It looked like he just pulled it off the rack at Nordstrom’s. What a deal!  

So, if any of you guys are in the market for a new sports jacket or suit, my advice would be to skip the men’s stores and head straight to Sanctuary Village Shoppe.  If your better half cannot go with you, ask for Clayton when you get there. He will steer you in the right direction and give you his honest opinion on the fit. Oh, and hey!  They have formalwear, women’s and children’s clothing too.  

So, the next time you are in the market for a generally high-dollar piece of clothing, check Sanctuary first. You just might find the perfect piece of clothing for a little chunk of change.  Do me a favor? If you do go and find your dream dress or sought-after suit, post a picture of you wearing it. I would love to see your steals! Happy Shopping, y’all!

Sanctuary Village Shoppe is located at 601 South Gloster Street in Tupelo, Mississippi.

Sanctuary Village Shoppe opened in the spring of 2006 at 797 Gloster. Our Mission is to raise funds for the Sanctuary Hospice House and to provide a positive atmosphere to individuals who volunteer their time and those doing community service. The Sanctuary seeks to provide compassionate care to the dying and those they love in response to God’s call to serve one another. We operate on a volunteer staff. If you’re interested in volunteering contact store manager, Clayton Turner at 680-3834. WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS! Our hours are Mon.-Fri.9:30-5:00 and Sat 9:30-2:00. Donations are accepted on weekdays during operation and on Saturdays from 10:00 am-1:00 pm.

The South, Comfort Food, and Love

I am a southern, born and bred. Growing up in the South definitely has its advantages. Visitors may admire our beautiful scenery, hospitality, slow-paced life and southern drawls but when asked, most will admit to being most impressed with our food.  

With this reasoning, I have to agree. We have a way of seasoning and preparing foods unlike any other region. While a little battering and frying generally makes everything taste a little better, I am convinced that food prepared with love, is the key to the best the culinary experience.

I fondly remember my mother scurrying around the kitchen preparing for her favorite day; Homecoming Sunday at our small church, Emmanuel Baptist. She would spend the entire day prior making caramel or coconut cakes, banana pudding, caramel, chocolate, and coconut pies, vegetables, and potato salad (always served warm). She would get up early Sunday morning and fry mounds of golden crispy chicken. Oh, that chicken! I have yet to find any other chicken which compares to Marthie’s.

Many family gatherings were had around Momma and Daddy’s table, much advice was given, tragedies and triumphs were shared. Southern moms know a secret. Food, when prepared with love, you see, has healing properties.

I remember her fixing chicken and dumplings or a meaty casserole for the sick or for those who had just lost a loved one.  No, going through the drive-thru, just would not do. Her food and precious words of comfort were no less than magical. I remember coming to her house to cry on her shoulder, after losing my first patient as newly registered nurse. She fixed me breakfast and let me cry. She then encouraged me to press on understanding that this would be one of many days like this. Those shoulders were my soft place to fall numerous times over the years.

My mom will be gone from this earth for five years on February 26th.  Life has not been the same, but I have found my new normal. I took my next spot in line and continue to carry on traditions with my own family, that meant so much to her.  I wear many hats, but my favorite by far is one of a southern mom and grandmother. May the food just be one more way for my family to know how much I cherish each and every one of them.

Episode 16: World’s Worst Pedophiles

*Warning: Explicit language and content*

In episode 16, we discuss the world’s worst pedophiles. EXTRA BIG TRIGGER WARNING: Though we do not discuss specifics for the most part, there are still some things that are really hard to hear about. It gets DARK.

Host: April Simmons

Co-Host: Sahara Holcomb

Theme + Editing by April Simmons

http://anchor.fm/april-simmons to donate to our fried chicken fund

Contact us at allcatspod@gmail.com

Call us at 662-200-1909

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Shoutout podcasts this week: Great Unsolved, Mistah Whiskah’s Clubhouse











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