Home The Lifestyle You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup

You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup

You Cannot Pour From An Empty Cup
Photo by Bran Sodre from Pexels

You absolutely must make time to care for yourself. one problem unchecked will usually breed other problems.

Tired. Low energy. Drained. Confused. Nauseated. All these examples could be characteristics of running on empty, or in other words, mental exhaustion. In this fast paced world, we are sometimes bombarded with the need to be in a hurry. We want it, and we want it now! I have fallen victim to the inability to find my inner patience once or twice myself. But what happens when our cup continues to pour out without any replenishment? You guessed it: We become tired. We have little to no energy. We feel drained, confused or like we have brain fog. We may even get physically sick. The sad and somewhat dangerous part of this is that we can gradually become so accustomed to these feelings that it becomes harder and harder to recognize when we begin to feel this way. These feelings become a part of everyday life, almost like a normality. And the danger then comes when we subconsciously accept this new normal and neglect to question it. If it’s your everyday, why change it or try to improve it?

The answer to that is two-fold: your mental health and your physical health. These two paradigms are so important and unique, yet interconnected. The state of our mental health can affect the state of our physical health. The state of our physical health can affect the state of our mental health. Sounds simple enough, but it can sometimes be difficult to manage when the dysfunction of the health becomes the norm. So, what should we do about it? These tips can help.

First, lets try to understand that feeling empty is not a state of productive health. The feeling of depletion or running on fumes will catch up with you and affect your mental and physical health. When we are not healthy, one problem unchecked will usually breed other problems.

Second, find a way to replenish your cup. This includes your mind, body, and soul. Find something pleasurable and fulfilling — and do it. This will make your heart happy. Better yet, schedule in a replenishment routine. Self-care seems to be a trendy buzzword right now, but it is very important. You absolutely must make time to care for yourself.

Third, take a break and do nothing. Your brain and body need to take a break, time to refocus, and recharge. And yes, it’s okay to set aside time to do nothing. Never feel guilty about taking time to just be. As I work full time and own a business, I have plenty of projects on my plate. Do not get me wrong, I love them. I love being creative and coming up with ideas. But, I also love me. Meaning, I love myself enough to give myself the time my mind and body need to replenish. I purposefully block off entire Saturdays to do nothing, to sit at home and watch TV. I will sometimes schedule a Monday night to do absolutely nothing but relax in bed. I found something that works for me. I am not ashamed when asked, “What are you doing this weekend?” Answer: “Nothing.”

Fourth, get enough sleep. Countless research proves the benefits of an adequate sleep routine. Just do it. Your mind and body will thank you. Plus, your productivity level will skyrocket when you are feeling at your best.

Let’s remember, if you are feeling empty….fill it up!

Prudence Hatchett, M.S., M.Ed., NCC, LPC, BC-TMH, ACAS, CCATP, KLSC,
is the owner of PH Counseling, LLC and PH Counseling School online.
Prudence Hatchett
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