Home The Lifestyle On The Importance of Pushing Through

On The Importance of Pushing Through

On The Importance of Pushing Through
Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like just giving up? I mean one of those days when it feels like the misery will never end. You may have started the day with so many high hopes, so many ideas, so many dreams. Then, BAM! Like a thief in the night, they were taken away from you. Who or what took them can sometimes be a mystery. All you know is that the energy is gone. 

If you have never experienced one of these days, lucky you. But if you have, I feel less alone. You see, I recently had one of those days. I was so excited to finish a certain project, but then I received unexpected news — no, let me say devastating news. I was bewildered, with no answers in sight. I had two choices: to put up or shut up. I could either continue to pout about the problem, or I could fight my way through the problem. 

I chose to fight and push through.

I am not going to tell you that pushing through is easy, but I will tell you that it’s worth it.

The opposite of pushing through can be giving up. And some people take that path. But why? A few reasons you may feel like it’s not worth the fight: You may not feel like exerting the effort; the follow-through may not be worth it for the end result; you may have changed your mind or course of action; you didn’t want to, or if I can say the “L” word…you may have become a little lazy. 

Of course, everyone has their reasons for giving up, and sometimes it may even be necessary for your wellness in the moment. If it is necessary, then dust the dirt off and keep it moving. Tomorrow is a new day, and we can try again.

But for me, giving up that day was not an option because I truly believed in my project. I believed in myself, even if no one else did. And this belief in myself gave me the courage to push through. 

A few things that helped me push through:

1. I had a sincere and profound belief in myself and in my idea.

2. I was truly excited about the potential outcome, and knew that my goal was achievable.

3. I enjoy creating, planning, and organizing.

4. I knew that my idea would help others.

Seeing value in my idea helped reduce the fear and doubt surrounding the devastating news mentioned earlier. Do not get me wrong, I did consider the criticism. I believe learning to appropriately respond to the criticism can be a part of the growth process. Yet, I chose not to yield to it. 

I chose to push through.  And so should you!

Prudence Hatchett, M.S., M.Ed., NCC, LPC, BC-TMH, ACAS, CCATP, KLSC,
is the owner of PH Counseling, LLC and PH Counseling School online.
Prudence Hatchett
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