Good Monday Morning, and welcome to the Rundown! Today is Monday, April 1st, 2019 and it is the 91st day of the year. There are 274 days left in this year. There are 20 days until Easter and Summer begins in 81 days.
April Fool’s Day!
Weather Outlook
An unusually coldstart to Apri. Freeze Warnings will be in effect across areas north of MS Highway 8 until mid-morning. But with abundant sunshine through midday and early afternoon, we should warm up a bit. Still, we remain at least 10 to 15 degrees cooler than average by mid-afternoon. This evening, clouds increase with a few passing showers in spots. Otherwise, we’ll be partly cloudy with areas of frost by Tuesday morning.
Food Trucks
Today & Tonight
Shakespeare Play Auditions at Church Street School @ 6:00 p.m.
Live Music
Be Kind/Give Back/Pay It Forward
Did you know that small acts have a ripple effect? Sometimes, it is the small things you do that can have the biggest impact on someone else. That is how we change the world. One act at time, one person at a time. Be kind, give back, and pay it forward!
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. @safe is having their Annual Jeans for Justice Event. Contact Kristen Adams or any staff member
Your Ad Could Go Here
Let us advertise for you. Do you have an event or sale coming up? Do you have a job need filling? We can advertise for you on our website and all social medias. We have more than 4,000 followers. We can give you an ad space, share it, and feature it in our daily Rundown. We have a creative staff that can get the job done and take the pressure off you.
On This Day
It is not only the first day of the second quarter of the year, but it is also the midpoint of the first half of the year.
April Fool’s Day! This day became popular in the 1700s by English pranksters. It has been celebrated for several centuries by several different cultures. Jokes were sending someone on a “fool’s errand,” looking for things that don’t exist, playing practical jokes and pranks, and trying to get people to believe ridiculous ideas and things. What is your best joke you have played or got played?
National Sourdough Bread Day! Sourdough bread is made from the fermentation of naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast. Who all loves a Sourdough sandwich? What is your favorite?
National One Cent Day! This is a day dedicated to the history and origin of the one cent coin, the penny! The first penny was designed by Benjamin Franklin and minted in 1787. The first Lincoln penny was issued in 1909, 100 years after Lincoln’s birth.
National Autism Awareness Month! This is a month of opportunity to promote autism awareness, 5o better understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and to improve the lives of the individuals living with it. ASD is a developmental disability characterized by persistent difficulties in social communication with resistant and receptive behaviors, interests, and activities. What will you do this month? One thing is the
Fairpark Burger Frenzy! tomorrow. Get a sack lunch and proceeds benefit the Autism Center of North Mississippi. Remember to wear blue to support autism all month.
Famous Birthdays- Susan Boyle turns 58. Jazzy B is 43. Debbie Reynolds (1932-2016) Kip Moore is 39. Hillary Scott turns 33. Sean Taylor (1983-2007) Brook Lopez turns 31. Reilly Smith is 28.
Word of the Day: Dun is to make persistent or repetitive demands on someone, typically for the repayment of a debt.
Quote of the Day: Do the best you can until you know better. When you know better, do better.” -Unknown
Thanks, everyone, and have a majestical Monday and a prosperous week!
That’s what I can find for today, but if you have something else you know about, or have an upcoming event you are interested in promoting, please message us or drop it in a comment below. We are going to be making some announcements so stay tuned and don’t miss out.I want to invite everyone to submit your announcements, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. to
Our Tupelo or myself,
Tasha Marie. We will be offering a weekly surprise for a special individual in the near future.
Thanks, everyone, and have a mystical
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Monday and a prosperous week!
Be Actively Good, Share Love, and Make Mr. Rodgers Happy!