Home The Lifestyle Starting The Week Off Bright

Starting The Week Off Bright

Starting The Week Off Bright
Photo by Bia Sousa from Pexels

negative thinking breeds more negative thinking

Getting the week started can sometimes be a little, well, complicated. Yes, deep down (very deep), we are happy to begin a new week. A new week of opportunities. A new week of surprises. A new week of fun adventures. (Maybe. Okay, there may be some exaggeration on that one.) 

But the week can also be complicated by rushing schedules, early morning work days, long commutes, or dreaded deadlines. Unfortunately, these are the facts of life for most working adults. But where does focusing on the negative get us? You guessed it: Nowhere. 

The only thing negative thinking will do is breed more negative thinking. Before long, you will be caught in a cycle of defeat trying to scratch your way through another day. Who wants to dwell in that cycle day after day? Why start your week off dull, when you can start your week off bright?

Negative thinking can sometimes start out quite naturally, so you need to be intentional with positive thinking. You must be intentional with seeing the bright side of the new week. Do not get me wrong, sometimes you have to look deep…very deep. But the potential is always there. The bright side can shine through with a little help. 

To start your week off on a high note, try these few tips: 

1) Practice an attitude of gratitude.

2) Get plenty of rest the night before.

3) Plan something enjoyable for the week to look forward to [i.e. catching up with a friend, eating at a favorite restaurant, grabbing a coffee, watching favorite tv show, etc.].

4) Set realistic goals for the week so you can be productive in achieving the things on your to-do list. 

It doesn’t take a lot to set your sights on starting the week off bright!

Prudence Hatchett, M.S., M.Ed., NCC, LPC, BC-TMH, ACAS, CCATP, KLSC,
is the owner of PH Counseling, LLC and PH Counseling School online.
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