Good morning Tupelo! Today is Wednesday, February 26, 2020. It is the 57th day of the year. There are 309 days left in the year and 28 days left of winter! Spring starts in 29 days.
Our Tupelo has a FAMILY FOUR-PACK of tickets to see the WWE Wrestlemania show at the Bancorpsouth Arena on March 28 to give away to our followers here at OurTupelo! For rules and how to enter, just click the green button below!
We also have a pair of tickets to give away to see Championship Wrestling featuring WWE’s Jerry the King Lawler at Tupelo Con coming up on Saturday, March 7th, for our followers! For rules and how to enter, just click the orange button above!
Today in Tupelo, here are the things going on around town:
Chik-Fil-A in Tupelo hosts Breakfast and BINGO every Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m.. This event is free and open to the public, and kids are also welcomed guests. All first time bingo guests may receive a free coffee!
Tupelo FPC will be having their Remnant Revival tonight. Services will begin at 7:15pm with PreService Focused Prayer and Service tentatively to begin at 7:30pm. Guest Speaker will be Rev. LJ Harry. Guest Ministry Team will be Students from the MS All-State Choir will lead in worship.
In Columbus, the Columbus Arts Council presents their Main Gallery Exhibit, Frank McGuigan and Joy Phillips, open at 9 a.m. for the entire month of February.
Hannah Roye will be at Steele’s Dive in Tupelo tonight at 7 p.m.
Jason Ringenberg will be at the Blue Canoe tonight at 7:30 p.m.
Misbehavin’ will be at Old Venice tonight.
We’re here to keep YOU in the know, and we don’t want to miss a thing!
To notify us of an event we’ve missed listing, or that you want us to know about coming up, you have options!
- You can tag our Facebook page on a post
- You can mark us as a co-host on your Facebook event
- You can also send us a direct message on our Facebook page
- You can shoot us an email at
Be sure to check out our extended calendar of events as well, for upcoming happenings in the area!
Have a great day and get out there and enjoy Our Tupelo!
* We update all listings periodically as new information becomes available.
If you’d like to become a sponsor of our daily Rundown, please contact or call 662-260-1498
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