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Start Loving Tuesday Morning

Monday, for many, is a dreaded day. It signifies the weekend has, once again, come to a hasty close. Wednesday is hump day; it gives us hope that we can make it until Friday. And Friday is a day of unsurpassed gladness, for with this day the joyousness of the weekend is but a stone’s throw away. But what about Tuesday and Thursday? Are these days simply mundane and unmentionable? Though I don’t have any clue about Thursday, I can promise you there will be a newfound happiness on Tuesday. Tuesday Morning, that is.

With all of the recent rains and flooding in our state, many have become house-bound. Though I love my home, sometimes a dose of cabin fever can be hazardous to my health, especially to my mental health. It is during these monsoonal moments, I long for a place where the sun always shines and offers a tantalizing taste of something a bit out of the ordinary. Heads up, my fellow Tupelonians, for I have found such a place!

It’s a place full of light — it’s fluorescent light, but light is light. Am I right? — tasty treats from far and near, fabulous finds, and a pirate’s boundless booty of bargains.

Tuesday Morning, just a few doors down from Sam’s Wholesale Club on North Gloster, has all of these things and more. 

Tuesday Morning is my pep-up place when the weather (or anything else for that matter) gets me down. On the dreariest of days, I can walk through their doors and instantly breathe in bliss, and breathe out that heavy sigh of relief that my chest has been begging me to release. Yes, Tuesday Morning is my load-lifter!

They offer literally a little of everything. They have furniture, rugs, bedding, linens, gardening tools, patio furniture and accessories, soaps and lotions from abroad, toys, stationery, pet items, kitchen necessaries, personal care products, baby gifts, luggage, home goods, and decorative items. But what I really love is their consumable products, better known as my favorite thing… food!

One of my all-time favorite confections is their tea biscuits. They are imported from afar, and offer those who have a taste for something a tad bit sweet an absolutely perfect choice for snack time. They come in a rather large package and inside, you will find four individually wrapped packages (My husband calls these “sleeves”). Since the tea biscuits have a light crunch and are quite easy to chew, I often take these as little gifts to some of the ladies, and my mother, at her assisted living community. They love them, and since they are only lightly sweetened, they won’t make your blood sugar teeter back and forth. That is, unless you are like me and scarf up an entire sleeve in one sitting! These darling little crackers are only $2.49 a package, and if you plan on using them as goodie gifts, all you have to do is pop a little ribbon on them and you have four gifts for less than $3.00! They tend to run out of these quickly, but don’t worry, they continually restock them.

Another fabulous find in Tuesday Morning is their vast selection of coffee and tea. I have a Keurig Coffee Maker and I can get 10 pods of Fleetwood Coffee (made in Chattanooga) for $2.99 — that’s 30 cents a cup, y’all! I will forewarn you: I just left the store and I bought every box they had on the shelf. Sorry, folks! Not to fret, they religiously reorder this product. Plus, they have more coffee and tea brands and flavors than any other store in this area. So many choices! Go snag a box or two and get your ‘sip’ on, Mississippi!

If traveling to Italy is on your bucket list, I can’t help you get there, but I can tell you that if you want a taste of Italy, Tuesday Morning has an extensive line of imported Italian food. Olive oils, spices, pasta, pasta sauce, olives and peppers don their shelves. Their pasta is colorful and available in many different types and textures, and shapes; it adds a bit of zip and zing to any meal! Grab a package of pasta, throw in a jar of one of their Italian sauces, and a box of breadsticks (all available at Tuesday Morning) and you have a greatly appreciated and inexpensive gift. They even have bags to wrap it in! Perfetto! (That’s the Italian word for ‘perfect’.)

I also adore the jam, jelly, and syrup selection at Tuesday Morning. Some are made in the United States, and others are shipped in from other countries. I tend to gravitate to the ones made in the US, because quite frankly, I know what they taste like. I did broaden my jelly horizon once last year, but it didn’t work out very well. Apparently, I am not a fan of figs, pomegranates, and prickly pears, or at least not combined. My bad. I made my selection based on how it looked, and in my hastiness, I failed to read the ingredients! But who knows? You may love that combination! With such awesome prices, you can afford to try a few new things. Dare to go where no Mississippian has gone before…try one of their exotic jams! 

Tuesday Morning has the proverbial market covered on snacks and tasty treats. I encourage you to take a little trip over and check them out. Don’t pack a bag for this adventure though. If you’re like me, you will have plenty of bags to unpack when you get home.

Happy shopping!

CIAO! (That’s Italian for goodbye, y’all.)

Bee Good to Yourself, Honey

You all know the benefits of eating locally grown honey. It’s good for you. It is also one of the few tried-and-true naturals that, if consumed on a regular basis, actually helps combat a lot of common allergies. I have eaten honey for many years, and I use it in the all-natural skin products I make. But did you know that beeswax is just as powerful? 

I do not use the beeswax at Hobby Lobby, nor do I order my beeswax online. I buy mine from a local beekeeper. Why? Buying beeswax locally ensures that you are only getting real beeswax with no additives; that’s an important factor if you are using it to make products for the skin and body.

True beeswax smells like honey, and it never ruins or expires. Accept no substitute. Period. I purchase mine from a young man and his father at the Tupelo Flea Market. Their beeswax is the best I have used, as it has been filtered and the smell is heavenly. 

A year or so ago, I had an order for some of my natural Neosporin (aka Boo-Boo Cream), and I ran out of beeswax. I did not know how to contact my usual fellows, so I scoured the Internet searching for a local beekeeper. I called four or five beekeepers listed on Google, and finally found a young man who had some blocks of wax he agreed to sell. I met him at Fair Park that afternoon, and it was there I discovered that all beeswax is not alike. Yes. He had wax from his hives, but he failed to tell me on the phone (and I had stupidly failed to ask) it had not been filtered. Why is that important? Let’s just say that there were so many pieces and parts of the actual bees in it, I ended up throwing all of it away; all fifty pounds! So, make SURE you ask for and buy FILTERED beeswax! 

Filtered, natural beeswax makes perfectly poured candles that are both smokeless and have an increased burn time. Beeswax candles have been proven to help facilitate the elimination of airborne pollution, such as bacteria, dust, and allergens. They are also believed to promote overall physical and mental well-being by providing you with more energy and reducing stress. 

Back when I was making candles, I never added essential oils, because the beeswax had a tendency to strongly enhance the fragrances. (They were so strong, in fact, you didn’t even have to light them in order for their scent to fill up a room; it was awful!) So, take my advice if you decide to make beeswax candles; leave out the essential oils and just breathe in the fresh, sweet smell of honey that the wax offers. 

Native American used beeswax for a multitude of things. I once read that the Indians would melt beeswax and pour it directly onto their cuts and scratches. It did not specify how deep the wounds were, or what they had been scratched by. I do remember thinking to myself that pouring anything hot into a fresh wound must have been excruciating. 

One afternoon while I was slicing and dicing vegetables, the knife slipped and made a rather deep cut on my thumb. I could not get the cut to close, even with the aid of butterfly bandages, so I went back to my Native roots. I quickly popped a little beeswax into the microwave and then stuck my thumb into the melted wax. Yes, it hurt like the devil for a moment, but by the time the wax had dried, I noticed the bleeding had stopped and the pain subsided. Within two days, the cut had closed up completely. I would never suggest anyone try this, but for me, that time, it worked. And for the record, I will say this: ANY deep cut or wound should be treated by a physician! BEE smart!

Other, not so drastic uses of beeswax are plentiful on Google, but here are a few just in case your Internet happens to be down. Rubbing the metal portion of your tools with plain beeswax will keep them from rusting. You can also rub it onto the tool’s wooden handles to prevent splitting and cracking. I have tried this and yes, it does work, but make sure your tools are clean before rubbing on the wax!! 

Got a pair of canvas shoes that you want to wear this season and next? No problem. First, clean the shoes to remove any dirt. Next, rub some beeswax directly on the shoes with a cloth and then use a blow-dryer to melt it. Rub away any excess wax with a towel and admire your handiwork. I have not personally tried this, but I do wish I had when I went through my ‘Bob’s Shoes’ phase a few years back! If you decide you want to try this, I would do a ‘test’ patch on the shoes before waxing the entire thing! 

If you have a sticky furniture drawer or a finicky zipper, rub on a little beeswax. You will see, and feel, a dramatic difference!

I made wonderful wooden furniture polish bars a few years back by melting beeswax and olive oil together and pouring them into heart-shaped, silicone molds. They were beautiful and made my furniture looked new and refreshed!

If you are sewing by hand and your needle is having a tough time going through the fabric, poke the needle in a block of beeswax a few times, and ta-da! No more snagging and dragging!

Beeswax is a staple when making homemade salves, lotion bars, and lip balms. The color is rich and the anti-inflammatory properties found in the wax helps heal and nourish your skin.

As I stated, these are merely a few of the hundreds of uses of all-natural beeswax. I leave you with a few important things to remember when using beeswax: 

It is highly flammable! Be sure, if you are melting it in a pan on top of the stove, in lieu of the microwave, to heat it SLOWLY. Never leave the pot unattended, and keep children away from heated or melted beeswax; it is a burn hazard. I made such a mess on my stove while melting it, I finally purchased a cheap, electric hot plate to use especially for this purpose. This greatly reduced my clean up time. 

Lastly, if you are allergic to bees, do NOT use local, all-natural beeswax. Even if it has been filtered, you will still find tiny particles of the actual bees in the wax. Those little black dots in the wax represent a small portion of the millions of bees who risked their life, so that we might enjoy the fruits of their labor. Give thanks.

Bee safe.

Bee happy.

*Many of the recipes I listed can be found on the Internet. You can take any basic recipe and tweak it to your liking.

Nominations for Jack Reed Sr. Award


TTupelo— The Jack Reed Sr. Community Leadership award will be presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in helping improve the quality of life in his or her community and Northeast Mississippi. 

Recipients will have demonstrated vision, integrity, and a commitment to excellence over an extended period of time.

The recipient of this award will be given the opportunity to recommend the disbursements of funds available from the Jack Reed Sr. Community Leadership Endowment Fund established by a special dividend from the Journal Inc. 

Funds may be dispersed to one or more charitable organizations impacting the quality of life in Northeast Mississippi.

The CREATE Foundation Executive Committee will select the recipient. The award will be presented at the State of the Region Meeting in May.

The 2018 winner was Mike Staten from New Albany, and Nettie Davis from Tupelo was recognized in 2019.

Deadline for nominations is March 6.

To nominate an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership in helping improve the quality of life in his or her community and Northeast Mississippi, click the red button below! 

CREATE Foundation is committed to improving the quality of life for the people of Northeast Mississippi through:

  • Building permanent community endowment assets
  • Encouraging philanthropy and managing charitable funds contributed by individuals, families, organizations and corporations
  • Strengthening the regional community development capacity
  • Taking a leadership role on key community issues and impacting the region through gifts and targeted grant-making

CREATE Foundation | 662-844-8989 | 662-844-8149 | www.createfoundation.com

The Tupelo Food Experience

As a Tupelo native, I grew up on both the east and west sides of this great city.

As a young teen, I enjoyed those Saturday outings at the J.C. Penney Mall, where my friends and I would saunter in and out of the shops while dreaming of the day when we would be able to afford those beautiful clothes which so elegantly hung on the ladies made of plastic.

The highlight of the day came when we would pull the crumpled dollars from our pockets and head over to the Orange Bowl, where giant slices of cheese pizza were waiting to be dressed with mustard. We would sit on those bar stools and devour what resembled a tiny island.

If we were particularly rich, we would opt to pool our money and gather at Pasquale’s. We would sit at a tiny round table in a dimly lit dining room pretending to be career ladies gathering for a special lunch meeting.

Throughout junior high and high school, food continued to draw my friends and family together.

The only Mexican restaurant Tupelo during that time period was Taco Hut. I will always have fond memories of that glorious cheese dip and those crunchy tacos.

Vanelli’s was still located on South Gloster, in a building that appeared to have seen it’s better days, but was always bursting at the seams as patrons sought their chance to eat the best Greek/Italian food in town.

In recent years, Tupelo has come into its own, with locally owned restaurants.  

Places like K.O.K., Forklift, Romie’s, Blue Canoe, Park Heights, Vanelli’s Bistro, Nautical Whimsey, and Cafe 212 (just to name a few) would challenge any big city eatery.

Tupelo has a plethora of multicultural cuisine sure to please the most adventurous of palates, while Connie’s and Danver’s serve as old family friends.

Oh, have I mentioned our food trucks?! We have food trucks! And some new franchises blossoming here as well: Fox’s Den Pizza, Jimmy John’s, Zaxby’s, and many more.

And then, there are wannabes like me, a home cook trained by her mother. Deep South Delicacies, my new venture, focuses on home cooking and treats from a time almost forgotten. Fried pies are my favorite as well as my specialty. Our slogan is “food that taste like your best memories.”

Food surrounds great memories and Tupelo is the perfect place to make new ones.

The Rundown: Saturday 2/22/20


Good morning Tupelo! Today is Saturday, February 22, 2020. It is the 53rd day of the year. There are 313 days left in the year and 32 days left of winter! Spring starts in 33 days.

Our Tupelo has a FAMILY FOUR-PACK of tickets to see the WWE Wrestlemania show at the Bancorpsouth Arena on March 28 to give away to our followers here at OurTupelo! For rules and how to enter, just click the green button below!

We also have a pair of tickets to give away to see Championship Wrestling featuring WWE’s Jerry the King Lawler at Tupelo Con coming up on Saturday, March 7th, for our followers! For rules and how to enter, just click the orange button above!

Today in Tupelo, here are the things going on around town:

Join Barnes & Noble for Storytime at Barnes Crossing every Saturday at 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. for an exciting story, crafts, and snacks in the children’s department!

Memory’s Magical Dresses will be set up at the Mall at Barnes Crossing to give away (for free) prom dresses and tuxedos for local students in need. They will be at the Charlotte Russe location inside the mall from 10am until 3pm. Students need only present their school ID, a progress report or report card as proof of attendance to qualify.

World of Customs Auto Show will be at the Tupelo Furniture Market this weekend, in buildings 4 & 5. Show times are Saturday, February 22nd, from 9am-10pm; and Sunday, February 23rd, from 10am-5pm.

TCT Off Broadway will be performing ‘Night Mother tonight at 7:30 p.m. The one night only event includes food, drink and a performance of the multi-award winning show. Tickets are $30 and only 100 will be sold.

The Tombigbee Pioneer Group will demonstrate pioneer era crafts and skills at the Parkway Visitor Center, from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. The demonstrations will show the challenges faced and creative solutions developed by those pioneers who lived in the area from the 1700s to around 1840. The public is invited to participate in pioneer lifestyle activities that often include crafting baskets, spinning, weaving, leather working, making corn-husk dolls, and other traditional craft demonstrations. Mountain dulcimer demonstrations are usually offered throughout the day. Children are invited to dress up in pioneer clothes and participate in craft activities. This program is free to the public. The visitor center is located at milepost 266 on the Natchez Trace Parkway, near Tupelo, Mississippi. For additional information, please call (800) 305-7417.

Don’t forget Tupelo’s Mardi Gras street party is tonight! Get yourself downtown and enjoy the festivities!

THS Performing Arts Center will be hosting the Miss Grand Tennessee/Miss Supranational Tennessee pageant today at 5 p.m.

The North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra will be performing a Concerto for Hope, featuring Ryan Anthony, Trumpet, and John Schuesselin, Trumpet, this evening at 7:30 p.m.

The Claude Gentry Theatre in Baldwyn will have Love or Something Like It, a musical revue of love and anti-love songs, performed by Big Tony & The Gentrys (Anthony Hopper, Clark Richey, Amye Gousset, Leah Petty, Barney Davis, Amy Davis, Paul Langley) along with special guests Marty Hurt and Toni Johnson. Showtime is 7 pm. Admission is $15.

The Historic Elkin Theatre in Aberdeen invites you to this weekend’s show! Regular admission is $5 each, and all concessions are $1 each. Doors open at 6:30 pm, and the movie starts at 7 pm. Admissions and concessions are cash only. Showing this weekend: 1917 (Rated R)

In Columbus, the Columbus Arts Council presents their Main Gallery Exhibit, Frank McGuigan and Joy Phillips, open at 9 a.m. for the entire month of February.


In Tupelo —

Don’t forget Tupelo’s Mardi Gras street party is tonight! Get yourself downtown and enjoy the festivities!

Steele’s Dive will have ZOOLIGAN’s

Blue Canoe will have OTIS at 9:30 p.m.

The Stables will have Tim & Eric

Romie’s Grocery will have Proximity Rule

Old Venice will have Karaoke with DJ Dayton at 7 p.m.

Woody’s will have DJ E Karaoke at 8 p.m.

The Shade Tree will have Brittany McGee at 8:30 p.m.

Forklift will have live music, but no word on who.

In Fulton —

The Sippin’ Parlor will have Karly Clayton at Theo’s Feedmill in Fulton at 7pm

Tim Sheffield and Brian Morrison will be at Legends

In Oxford —

Proud Larry’s will have Lost Dog Street Band at 7 p.m.

Soulshine Pizza Factory will have Big Cedar Fever at 8 p.m.

In Columbus —

The Bonfire Boys will be at Zachary’s at 9:30 p.m.

The Sunstroke House will have The Krickets at 7 p.m.

Billy & The Medicine Men will be at Double D’s in Steens at 8 p.m.

In Counce —

Tosha Hill will be at Freddy T’s on The Rooftop at 7 p.m.

We’re here to keep YOU in the know, and we don’t want to miss a thing!

To notify us of an event we’ve missed listing, or that you want us to know about coming up, you have options!

  • You can tag our Facebook page on a post
  • You can mark us as a co-host on your Facebook event
  • You can also send us a direct message on our Facebook page
  • You can shoot us an email at submit@ourtupelo.com

Be sure to check out our extended calendar of events as well, for upcoming happenings in the area!

Have a great day and get out there and enjoy Our Tupelo!

* We update all listings periodically as new information becomes available.

If you’d like to become a sponsor of our daily Rundown, please contact joshua.ballard@ourtupelo.com or call 662-260-1498

Candy-coated Fundraising


Friends, just so you know, Spring ain’t here yet, and our grandkids are selling stuff again for school! This time it’s candy!

Do y’all remember selling stuff for school? Seems like we were always selling something! I remember selling those little seed packs! That was fun!

I don’t remember selling candy bars except one time! Seems I had a lot of candy bars that went missing, and the money didn’t match the right amount! And I found a bunch of candy wrappers under one of my brothers beds! Ain’t saying who, but Emory sure did like chocolate bars!

I guess they didn’t trust me with candy after that!

I remember everybody sold something, and in the words of our famous bus driver Mr. Billy Spradling, Mantachie kids might not learn everything, but they’re gonna make some of the best dang door-to-door salesmen in the state!

Yesterday, Eli came in with a big old box of candy bars to sell! I thought I would have some fun with that, so I kept asking him about the candy. He said they were a dollar a bar!

I asked could I get one any cheaper because I was his Papaw, but he said, “Nope, it’s just a dollar a bar!”

Even Addi Grace, his sister, got to asking could she get one for free, and he said “No, still a dollar a bar!”

Then I asked him, “Eli, if the prettiest girl in school asked could she have a hug and a kiss from you for a candy bar, what would you do?”

He smiled and said, “Oh yeah, she could get a hug and a kiss from me — but if she wants a candy bar, she better have a dollar!”

And life goes on, on Thompson Hill.

Tupelo Woman Manages to Say “Shop Local” And “This Town Needs A Target” In Same Breath


TUPELO — In a stunning display of hypocrisy writ large, a local woman had many people scratching their heads this week when only seconds after propagating the importance of shopping local, she proceeded to complain that Tupelo still doesn’t have a Target.

49-year-old Patricia McVey claims everyone blew her words out of proportion.

“I don’t understand why people are so confused. If we bring a Target here to Tupelo then it will be local, so we’ll be shopping local. It makes perfect sense.”

Despite her gross misunderstanding of what shopping local means, there are some who agree with her.

“She ain’t wrong,” says Karen Burroughs. “I’m in a book club with Trish, and she’s always got good ideas. She was the one who suggested we read the Twilight Saga. Team Jacob, by the way. And now we’re reading Fifty Shades, also at her recommendation. I trust her book choices, and I trust her understanding of basic economics.”

McVey was asked what she could get at Target that she couldn’t get at one of Tupelo’s two Walmarts. 

“I got this shirt at the Southaven Target. It says ‘Someone Please Call Nine Wine Wine.’ It’s like it was made just for me. They sell it at Walmart too, but buying it from Target makes me look like a fun wine mom; buying it from Walmart would really affirm my alcoholism.”

McVey’s attitude is a sobering reminder of many Tupelo residents’ lukewarm habit of exhorting the patronization of local businesses while simultaneously calling for the ingress of a behemoth retail corporation that will further divest money from local retailers. 

“I’ll always support local businesses,” McVey confesses, “but I’ll also always look at an empty field and think that would be a good place for a Target.

The Rundown: Friday 2/21/20


Good morning Tupelo! Today is Friday, February 21, 2020. It is the 52nd day of the year. There are 314 days left in the year and 33 days left of winter! Spring starts in 34 days. Don’t forget Tupelo’s Mardi Gras street party is coming up this weekend on Saturday the 22nd!


Today in Tupelo, here are the things going on around town:

Our Tupelo has a FAMILY FOUR-PACK of tickets to see the WWE Wrestlemania show at the Bancorpsouth Arena on March 28 to give away to our followers here at OurTupelo! For rules and how to enter, just click the green button below!

We also have a pair of tickets to give away to see Championship Wrestling featuring WWE’s Jerry the King Lawler at Tupelo Con coming up on Saturday, March 7th, for our followers! For rules and how to enter, just click the orange button below!

Reed’s Gumtree Bookstore has Story Time every Friday at 10:30 a.m.

Wet Paint in Tupelo will be having a Kids’ Night Out tonight at 6 p.m.. The cost is $25 per child (age 5+ only), and will include pizza, popcorn, drinks and a dessert. They will be watching Disney’s Brother Bear and painting brand new to Wet Paint: bear party animals!

World of Customs Auto Show will be at the Tupelo Furniture Market this weekend, in buildings 4 & 5. Show times are Friday, February 21st, from 5pm-10pm; Saturday, February 22nd, from 9am-10pm; and Sunday, February 23rd, from 10am-5pm.

The Claude Gentry Theatre in Baldwyn will have Love or Something Like It, a musical revue of love and anti-love songs, performed by Big Tony & The Gentrys (Anthony Hopper, Clark Richey, Amye Gousset, Leah Petty, Barney Davis, Amy Davis, Paul Langley) along with special guests Marty Hurt and Toni Johnson. Performances are set for February 21 & 22, beginning each night at 7 pm. Admission is $15.

In Columbus, the Columbus Arts Council presents their Main Gallery Exhibit, Frank McGuigan and Joy Phillips, open at 9 a.m. for the entire month of February.


In Tupelo —

Steele’s Dive will have Full Tilt at 9 p.m.

Blue Canoe will have George McConnell & Bill McCrory at 9:30 p.m.

The Shade Tree Lounge will have Bid Daddy Karaoke at 7 p.m.

The Stables will have Ashley Tutor at 9 p.m.

Old Venice will have Hannah + Karly at 8 p.m.

Woody’s will have All Country Karaoke at 8 p.m.

Romie’s Grocery will have Wes Sheffield and the Slowburners

Nautical Whimsey will have Seed Tick Road

Forklift will have live music, but no word on who.

In Fulton —

Legends Sports Grill will have Karaoke with Tim Sheffield

In West Point —

The Hill Bar & Grill will have Robbie Ross

In Columbus —

Louie’s will have The Bonfire Boys at 8:30 p.m.

In Oxford —

Soulshine Pizza Factory will have Jamie Todd at 8 p.m.

We’re here to keep YOU in the know, and we don’t want to miss a thing!

To notify us of an event we’ve missed listing, or that you want us to know about coming up, you have options!

  • You can tag our Facebook page on a post
  • You can mark us as a co-host on your Facebook event
  • You can also send us a direct message on our Facebook page
  • You can shoot us an email at submit@ourtupelo.com

Be sure to check out our extended calendar of events as well, for upcoming happenings in the area!

Have a great day and get out there and enjoy Our Tupelo!

* We update all listings periodically as new information becomes available.

If you’d like to become a sponsor of our daily Rundown, please contact joshua.ballard@ourtupelo.com or call 662-260-1498

The Perfect Mimosa

There are very few brunch staples that I don’t enjoy, but one of my favorites is The Mimosa. If you don’t know what that is, let me just explain: Traditionally, it’s orange juice and champagne. And it is delicious. In more modern times, we’ve learned that sparkling wine works just as well and is just as delicious.


Since there are only two ingredients, let’s talk about those ingredients. For the orange juice, brand is inconsequential, but what you want to look for is quality. Stay away from juices with pulp. (You do not want a Mimosa with pulp, ok, just trust me. The carbonation from the sparkling wine or champagne will make the pulp float to the top and it is not smooth or pretty.) You also want to avoid made from concentrate, and orange “juices” that are just orange flavored drinks.

One of the oldest running brunch jokes about mimosas is “See, it’s orange juice. It’s HEALTHY, okay?!”

Now. Onward to the alcohol! Your best bet is to look for Cava, which comes from Spain, or any another sparkling wine in the $10 and up range. A dry Prosecco is a great option, as are Moscatos, if you like yours a little bit on the sweeter side. (I personally prefer Castello del Poggio, which is an Italian moscato, and it usually runs around $12 for a bottle.)

Mix Ratio For Mimosas

The classic mimosa recipe calls for equal parts sparkling wine/champagne to orange juice (i.e. half and half). But as with any mixed drink, obviously the answer is dealer’s choice. If you prefer more of one and less of the other, you really can’t go wrong either way.

One important thing to note, though, is that when you are making mimosas, you should always add the sparkling wine or champagne first, and then top with orange juice. There are two reasons for this. The first and most important is that doing it in this order preserves the bubbles. You WANT the bubbles, obviously. The bubbles are much easier to control when you add the orange juice to the sparkling wine, instead of vice versa. Secondly, doing it this way allows the cocktail to mix together on its own so it won’t make a sticky mess at the top of the glass from the carbonation.

Another important note: Do. Not. Stir. If you stir your Mimosa, this will cause the wine to become flat. And we want bubbles, remember?


The Poinsettia is made the same, except with cranberry juice instead of OJ.

The Lemosa is made with lemonade instead of OJ.

The Vermosa (or The Crisp) is made with apple cider or apple juice instead of OJ.

The Soleil is made with pineapple juice instead of OJ.

The Megmos is made with grapefruit juice instead of OJ.

Adding a splash of grenadine to your Mimosa will give it a lovely sunrise gradation, and also make it a bit sweeter.

To make a Virgin Mimosa (i.e. non-alcoholic), simply swap out the wine or champagne for a sparkling grape juice or even a sparkling water (like Perrier or La Croix) in a pinch.

*Please drink responsibly*




Big Lots has long been a favorite haunt of mine. They carry a lot of things you just cannot find in the other chain stores, and it is usually not as crowded. That’s a win-win in my personal book. Recently, they have started carrying gluten-free products. This alone is enough to make me forfeit my usual Walmart or Kroger jaunt. You see, my daughter cannot eat gluten; it’s not just a ‘fad’ for her — she is terribly allergic to it. So for her, I am always in search of gluten-free products.

As anyone who suffers from Celiac Disease (or loves someone who has it) knows, gluten-free products that actually taste good were once a rarity, to put it mildly. Thankfully, though, things are changing, and now gluten-free no longer has to be taste-free.

In fact, some of the more recent purchases I have made are quite tasty; delicious, in fact. Kroger and Walmart do carry a few meager GF products, but they can be quite expensive, to say the least. So, I’m giving a BIG thank you to BIG Lots!

First on the list of GF goodies is the Brownie Brittle! OH MY! It is SO good that even folks who aren’t GF will love them! These go fast, so be sure to pick up more than one bag!

Snyder’s has long been one of my favorite snack companies. Now I really love them because they have created a GF line of snack products. In the past, GF crackers, to me, seemed hard and stale. Snyder’s Wholey Cheese Crispy Crackers are flavorful and delicious, and their Honey Mustard Pretzel Sticks are fabulous! Shout out to Snyder’s!

Also topping the GF snack list at Big Lots is Moon Cheese. They are uniquely different, but really good. The Boom Chicka Pop Dark Chocolate Kettle Corn just makes me so happy. Lance GF Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers taste just like regular peanut butter and crackers, and I found a bag of yummy Sweet Potato Chips sitting right next to them!

You have to search for these products as most of them are not situated next to each other on the shelf. But for gluten-free folks, it’s worth the time and effort. Most of the products cost less than $3.00, which for GF is an amazing price. Big Lots has nifty finds at a thrifty price. That’s my kind of shopping!

Big Lots in Tupelo can be found at 2605 Main Street.