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Christmas Consternations

Christmas Consternations

It was the 70’s and Christmas was two days away — and he was desperate!

He had fallen in love that year with the love of his life, and he was hopelessly head over heels in love with her! She occupied his thoughts and dreams more than he ever thought possible.

He had some problems, like all teenagers, but the biggest one at the moment was that he didn’t have any money! He played in a band, and everybody knows that’s the way to make lots of money! Ha! He worked construction, and that was dependant on the weather, so lots of things could change his plans and his money situation at any given time.

He wanted to surprise her this Christmas. They both loved music and she didn’t have a stereo. Now everybody during the 70’s had to have a stereo because, man, you had to have your tunes! The whole world spun around a record player, or at least it seemed that way! He wanted to surprise her with a stereo for Christmas. He had found one at JCPenney and put it on layaway some weeks earlier! It wasn’t fancy or expensive, but all he could afford. He had been faithful to make his payments, but time was running out!

Today was the last day to be able to get it out of layaway, and it was going to take some kind of Christmas miracle for him to come up with the hundred dollars he had to have to get it out!

This was Friday and they all went back to the office to get their checks and have their annual Christmas party! The party was great; they had lots of good food and everyone was in a festive mood. But he just couldn’t get in the mood to celebrate!

He just couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to get her that gift! He was more than a little heartbroken, and right in the middle of the Christmas Party, he had had enough.

He said his goodbyes, told everyone Merry Christmas, and went outside! He was sad but then he remembered something his mom always said: When you feel sad, why not pray about it?

He was sitting in his old car and trying to decide what to even pray. He couldn’t see praying for a stereo! He knew God was way too busy to worry about little things, but he still could hear his mom’s voice saying “Pray and Believe!”

“Well, here goes nothing,” he said as he closed his eyes.

“God, it’s Christmas, and I know you do miracles, so you’re going to have to do another one if I’m going to get that hundred dollars I need to get her that stereo! And I’m going to have to leave that up to you!”

Someone was tapping on his car window, so he rolled it down to reveal his boss saying, “Come on back in the office, I got something for you!”

He followed him inside to the big office, where his boss said, “Got you a little Christmas Bonus,” as he handed him an envelope, shook his hand and said “Merry Christmas!”

He hurried outside, jumped in the car, and tore into the pretty envelope!

And guess what he saw!

It was a brand spanking new One Hundred Dollar Bill!

Yes sir!

As his friend says, one of them long wheel base tens!

Just enough to pay off that stereo!

Thank the Lord, oh she was going to be so happy!

He had just enough time to go by and pick it up! His Christmas was already made!

He had seen a Christmas miracle!

This story is true! It is about me and my beautiful wife Pam!

And yes, I still consider it “a true Christmas Miracle!”

And life go on, on Thompson Hill!

Jerry Thompson
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